FER 2: operating rules and first tender approved


Emma Potter

The FER Decree 2

The FER Decree 2 it is a fundamental measure for promote the use of renewable energy. It is aimed at plants with innovation and sustainability characteristics, encouraging sources such as biogas, biomass, thermodynamic solar and advanced geothermal energy.

The FER 2 Decree has the aim of supporting the production of electricity from innovative renewable source plants or those with high generation costs, through the definition of incentives that allow the achievement of the decarbonisation objectives by 2030.

The provisions of the decree have valid until 31 December 2028.

What the operating rules govern

The Operational Rules cover in detail various crucial aspects for operators interested in participating in competitive procedures provide precise instructions for access to incentives, also regulating the maintenance of the concessions granted.

Among the information provided, we highlight:

  • requirements for accessing and maintaining incentives: the technical and economic characteristics that the plants must respect to obtain and maintain the incentive are defined.
  • public competitive procedures: they explain how to participate in the tenders, with details on the times and methods of registration.
  • request for recognition of incentives: describe the methods for submitting an application and obtaining approval from the GSE (Energy Services Manager).
  • determination of incentive tariffs: illustrate the criteria for calculating the tariffs and incentives assigned.
  • activation of contracts: provide indications on the timing and procedures necessary for the formalization of incentive contracts.
  • methods and timing of measurement acquisition: establishes how and when to transmit data relating to energy production.
  • provision of incentives: defines the methods and times for the payment of incentives to operators.
  • cumulation of incentives: clarifies the conditions under which FER2 incentives can be cumulated with other state or regional incentives.
  • changes relating to the incentivized systems: regulates any technical or structural changes to systems already incentivized.
  • checks and controls: establishes control procedures and checks to ensure compliance with the incentive conditions.
  • data protection and processing: specifies how personal and company data are protected within the procedures.
  • DNSH principle (Do No Significant Harm): the systems must respect the principle of not causing significant damage to the environment.

The first tender published: competitive procedure for biogas and biomass

The first competitive procedure of the FER2 Decree concerns exclusively plants powered by biogas and biomass. The public tender, called Group A (FER2_A_2024_1)can be downloaded via the official GSE link.

Procedure details:
-opening: December 16, 2024, 12:00
-closure: February 14, 2025, 12:00

Requests must be sent exclusively electronically via FER-E portalaccessible fromGSE Customer Area. It is essential to respect the closing deadline as no extensions are foreseen.

How to submit the application

To participate in the competitive procedure, operators must carefully follow the instructions contained in the “Guide to using the FER-E Portal”available on the GSE website. Correct compilation and submission within the established timeframes are essential to avoid exclusion.

Where to find further information

For further details on the procedures and incentives provided by the FER2 Decree, you can consult the dedicated section “Electrical Renewables / FER2” on the official websites of MASE and GSE.