Photovoltaic without costs? find out how with Energy Income


Emma Potter

In an economic and environmental context in which the search for sustainable solutions becomes increasingly pressing, help for low-income families emerges thanks to the energy income 2024.

This initiative is proposed as an advantageous solution to encourage the installation of solar panels in the homes of those who have so far seen their possibilities of access to renewable and sustainable energy sources limited. With an endowment of 200 million euros for the two-year period 2024/2025, the government aims to reduce the energy gap and promote green transition accessible to all.

The program of non-repayable contributions foreseen by the energy income represents not only a step forward towards the energy self-sufficiency of less well-off families but also a concrete action to lighten the burden of energy bills, which is particularly burdensome in times of constant price increases.

Energy Income 2024: what it is and how it works

The concept of energy income was created with a dual purpose: on the one hand, to facilitate the adoption of photovoltaic panels among families who, due to economic limitations, may consider this investment unattainable; on the other, offer tangible support to mitigate the impact of rising energy costs.

The Ministerial Decree regulating access to the National Energy Income Fund outlines an intervention plan that favors the regions of Southern Italy – Sicily, Sardinia, Calabria, Abruzzo, Basilicata, Campania, Puglia and Molise – recipients of 80% of the funds available.

This program foresees financing that can arrive up to 11,000 euros for each photovoltaic system installed, varying according to the size of the system itself and the energy needs of the family. The value of the incentive can also fluctuate depending on the region of residence, showing particular attention to territorial specificities and local needs.

Given the average cost for a 3 kW photovoltaic system with storage system, equal to approximately 15,000 euros, the energy income allows the installation of smaller systems at zero cost or, alternatively, offers a significant contribution for larger systems large, intended to fully satisfy the needs of a family.

In addition to photovoltaic systems, the program also extends its support to solar thermal systemsto storage systems and to micro wind farmsemphasizing an inclusive approach towards different renewable energy production solutions.

Requirements for accessing Energy Income

To benefit from energy income, you must meet specific requirements, designed to target financial support to the families who need it most.

Another crucial aspect concerns the exclusivity of the benefit: it is not possible to cumulate the energy income with other forms of economic benefits, be they state, regional or European, including the Ecobonus. Furthermore, the applicant is required to have residence in the Region in which the contribution is requested, thus consolidating the intent to promote a balanced distribution of resources throughout the national territory.

The legislation also provides for the right to self-consumption, allowing beneficiary families to retain 100% of the energy produced by the installed system for themselves. This aspect not only encourages the energy independence of families but also contributes to a more sustainable and conscious consumption model.

Procedure for requesting Energy Income

To submit the request for access to energy income, it is necessary to follow a well-defined procedure, which begins with completing and uploading your application on the GSE (Energy Services Manager) platform.

This body will take care of evaluating the requests and, once the application has been accepted, the beneficiary will have to sign an agreement with the GSE which regulates, among other things, the on-site exchange of the electricity produced, self-consumption and the transfer of accrued energy credits.

Applications must be submitted exclusively online through the dedicated website, and updates on the application process are expected by March 2024.


The energy income 2024 represents a great opportunity in the field of energy and social policies, offering low-income families not only the possibility of significantly reducing bill costs, but also of actively contributing to the transition towards a greener and more sustainable economy. With a targeted and inclusive approach, this program aims to overcome economic barriers that limit access to renewable energy, while promoting social equity and energy independence.