Architect and Engineer Exam Kit (AB section) for the qualifying exam
The Architect and Engineer Exam kit is an essential tool for preparing for the state exam for architects, planners, landscape architects, conservators and civil/construction engineers, three-year and five-year degrees. The kit includes the Practical Guide to Design and the Technical, Urban and Administrative Handbook. The Guide contains in a single volume:• the Design Manual which addresses the main urban planning, architectural and recovery/restoration issues in a conceptual and regulatory key, linked to passing the graphic test of the state exam and the analysis of the projects shared in the new exam modality in a single oral test;• the collection of color project tables, which can be used as a moment of verification with respect to the design and regulatory notions present in the manual volume;• the FAQs, or the most frequently asked questions of the sessions from 2020 to 2023, divided between architects and engineers, together with a list of 100 architectures also shared in the new exam modality for architects;• the link to a reserved area, where the reader can access the website. will be able to consult the articles published by THE PLAN relating to ten projects shared during the single oral exam, to be used as a cultural cue for the single oral exam. The Technical Urban Planning and Administrative Handbook contains the entire current procedural urban planning and building regulatory framework, as well as specifications on the new denomination and organization of professional orders, with the framework of obligations for members in terms of ethics and continuous training. The text is also enriched by a chapter on technology, with OVER 160 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS UPDATED TO THE NEW ENERGY SAVING REGULATIONS, and on structural pre-sizing, updated to the NTC 2018. The website is connected to the Guide and the Handbook with additional materials, project tables, insights, videos. The website also collects the 1365 tables that constitute the best elaborations published in the previous eight editions, also usable as graphic and conceptual ideation.To access the online materials, you must connect to the website and follow the instructions indicated on the tag at the end of the volumes.Alberto Fabio CeccarelliArchitect, freelancer, carries out professional activity in Italy. He organizes and manages courses in the city of Milan to prepare for the state exam and professional training courses with the release of CFPPaolo Villatico CampbellArchitect, freelancer, inventor and promoter of courses to prepare for the state exam for architects in the cities of Rome and Florence.