Superbonus 110%: last call before April 4th for the transfer of credit


Emma Potter

The April 4 deadline for reporting to the Revenue Agency of assignment of tax credits resulting from construction bonuses is coming. This deadline, already extended once, represents the last opportunity to benefit from these benefits, but the challenges are many.

Banks are reluctant to purchase such credits, limiting operations to a limited circle of customers, while private platforms see a decline in the value of the fees offered.

This article will explore the complexities of the tax credit transfer system, analyzing the options available to those who fail to transfer within the deadline and discussing the future implications for the construction sector and for the beneficiaries of such bonuses.

Options for those who can't give in

For those who find themselves in the situation of not being able to transfer their tax credit by April 4, the alternatives are limited but they exist.

One possibility is to request the relief provided by the building bonuses directly in the tax return. In this case, if the taxpayer is able to deduct the entire amount or most of it over four years, he can still consider himself lucky.

The example of someone who invested 100,000 euros, thus obtaining a credit of 110,000 euros divided into annual installments, shows that with an adequate taxable income, you can still fully benefit from the bonus. However, for those who do not find this option convenient, the hope remains that the government will intervene, as has already happened in the past, by extending the possibility of spreading the deduction over a longer period or by reopening the terms for the transfer of credit.

Credit transfer: methods and bonuses involved

Credit transfer and invoice discount are powerful tools in the construction world, but not all construction bonuses allow you to access them easily.

The 110% Superbonus, for example, is now limited to interventions in the condominium area and bound by specific timescales: only if the meeting resolution and the mandatory communication to the municipality (Cilas) have been carried out by 17 February 2023.

For the Ecobonus and the Renovation Bonus, however, the required documentation varies, but it is always necessary to demonstrate the actual start date of the works.

These restrictions have inevitably reduced the number of beneficiaries eligible to take advantage of these opportunities, making the situation even more critical for those trying to navigate the construction bureaucracy.

The construction bonuses are not limited to the 110% Superbonus but also include the Earthquake bonus and the Architectural Barrier Bonus, each with its own peculiarities and deadlines.

The ordinary Earthquake Bonus, for example, has a double deadline: for consolidation works on existing buildings the deadline was 17 February, while for demolition and reconstruction operations the deadline was set for 31 December 2023.

This last date also represented the last day to start work aimed at removing architectural barriers, after which the methods of using the discount on the invoice underwent significant changes. The Architectural Barriers Bonus, in particular, has seen a restriction in the types of interventions that can be facilitated, excluding works previously admitted thanks to more flexible interpretations of the legislation.

Despite this, the duration of this bonus has been extended until 2025, a sign of a desire to keep alive the commitment towards housing accessibility and inclusiveness.

From the Ecobonus to boilers: the future of building subsidies

While December 31, 2024 marks the end for most of the current construction bonuses, such as the ecobonus and the renovation bonus, the debate on how they will be reformulated or replaced in 2025 is already heated.

The possible introduction of income criteria for access to these benefits is discussed as a fair solution but clashes with the operational reality, especially in condominium contexts where the community of interventions is fundamental. This regulatory uncertainty, combined with the European directive on green homes which provides for restrictions on gas boilers, highlights a transition phase towards a more sustainable and inclusive building model.

Future decisions regarding construction subsidies will significantly influence both the real estate market and the social fabric, pushing towards greater environmental awareness and a renewed commitment to energy efficiency.