68th congress of the orders of engineers: pre-congress work begins


Emma Potter

The topics under discussion

Based on the requests made by members through the platform TalklNGbetween topics of comparison that emerged can be mentioned:

  • SOCIAL SECURITY/INCREDIT (profit distribution, insufficient pensions, separate management, collective insurance).
  • ENGINEERS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (issues of the PA engineer).
  • ORDERING SYSTEM (obligatory registration in the Register for qualified persons, disciplinary councils, CNI organizational reorganization by specialisation/sector, internationalization of professional firms).
  • TRAINING (electronic degrees, return to the five-year degree, professional training, amendments to the Consolidated Training Act).
  • ENGINEERING SECTORS (healthcare engineering, IT security, construction, new professions).
  • INNOVATION (artificial intelligence).
  • FAIR COMPENSATION (return to minimum tariffs, Fair compensation in the public sector).

Press release by Antonio Felici, head of the press office of the National Council of Engineers