The parcel plans and the affected areas
As stated in general report of expropriationsfor the quantification of the properties subject to expropriation, enslavement and temporary occupation for construction sites and the related estimate of costs, the processed for updating the Final Project.
The elaborate gods particle planes they were drawn up for each municipality, divided into tables with the assembly of several consecutive cadastral map sheets, for a coaxial band of 250 meters beyond the limit of the intervention and represent entirely all properties involved from expropriations, enslavements and temporary occupations, necessary for the implementation of the works envisaged by the projectincluding crossings and diversions of roads and waterways and those functional to regularizing interference with public services, as well as those for environmental compensation.
The following are affected: non-buildable areas, buildable areas, built-up areas, buildings to be demolished and areas intended for public services.
60 days to submit comments starting from 8 April 2024
The notice states that for 60 daysstarting from next April 8ththe subjects whose assets are affected by the expropriation procedures for the bridge over the Strait will be able to bring forward their claims any observations in written form by registered mail. addressed to the Head of the Expropriation Procedure geom. Michelangelo Difrancesco, competent for the relevant procedure, at the registered office of the company Stretto di Messina SpA via Marsala, 27 00185 Rome, or via PEC at the address [email protected]; the observations received within the above deadline will be evaluated for the final determinations by SdM as awarding body.
Pietro CiucciCEO of the Stretto di Messina company, explained: «this intermediate phase will allow all interested parties to view the project documentation relating to the expropriation plan and formulate any observations. In this context the Stretto di Messina company will open information desks both in Messina and in Villa San Giovanni, in dedicated spaces made available by the respective municipalities, to provide the necessary support for the analysis of the documentation”.
The expropriation process
After the observation collection phase, the Cipess will proceed with theapproval of the definitive project to then be declared public utility.
So it is expected direct communication to the subjects involved in the expropriation activity and has thus I start the expropriation phase.
The subjects involved can provide any useful element for determine the value of the asset.
As reported in the notice, Strait of Messina promotes the good-natured procedure with the aim of safeguarding the interests of the parties. In case of failure to reach an agreement the expropriated person can request the determination of the compensation administratively or judicially.
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