Questions about CER incentives and self-consumption: groups and contact person
Only self-consumption groups can submit the incentive request already established in compliance with the basic rules. It is therefore necessary that there is a photovoltaic system already present and that all interested parties, including the owner of the system, are residing in the same building.
It doesn't necessarily have to be a condominium, as long as there are different apartments, even if they belong to a single owner, with utilities registered to different individuals. Interested parties will then have to sign a contract for the management of the incentives and then appoint the Contact Person who has the task of submitting the application and managing the procedure with the GSE.
Applications for CER incentives and self-consumption: access to the portal
To access the portal, registration in the GSE Customer Area and subscription to the SPC application are required. The procedure for registering in the Customer Area and subscribing to applications is detailed in the User Manual.
It's possible access the customer area also directly with the SPIDtherefore without preliminary registration.
Once you have logged in to the Customer Area you will be able to choose the path to follow depending on the type of question/service requested.
The options They are the following:
- requests for access to the capital contribution provided for by the PNRR M2C2I1.2 measure dedicated to renewable energy communities and groups of self-consumers (non-repayable contribution for municipalities with up to 5,000 inhabitants);
- requests to access the service for widespread self-consumption for an operating configuration;
- preliminary verification requests for access to the widespread self-consumption service for a project configuration;
- requests for access to the shared electricity valorisation and incentive service by a group of renewable energy self-consumers acting collectively or in a CER, pursuant to ARERA Resolution 318/2020/R/eel;
- requests for recognition of the Simple Production and Consumption System (hereinafter SSPC), pursuant to the provisions of Annex A to the resolution 578/2013/R/eel and subsequent amendments “Integrated text of provisions of the Electricity and Gas Authority for the regulation of simple systems production and consumption”.
The question step by step
Once you have chosen the route you need to fill in the required data in the following screens:
- preliminary information: step aimed at identifying the existence of the preliminary conditions, a prerequisite for the possibility of completing the request;
- data compilation required: step aimed at compiling the details of the request data;
- confirm data requested: control step and confirmation of the validity of all the data entered in the request;
- sending request: final step aimed at actually sending the request to the GSE; after sending the data is blocked and can no longer be modified.
There submission of the application requires sending one considerable amount of data. It is therefore necessary to first verify exactly which ones to supply by checking what is indicated in the operating manual.
Guides at your fingertips
To facilitate filling out the applications, however, the GSE has prepared a series of Differentiated interactive guides depending on the service requested, or to verify convenience.
Here is the list.
For inquiries access to the PNRR M2C2I1.2 measure:
- Interactive guide PNRR – Group of renewable energy self-consumers acting collectively
- Interactive guide PNRR – Renewable Energy Community
For inquiries access to the service for widespread self-consumption:
For inquiries preliminary check: