Condominium life: thefts, vandalism and threats, when coexistence becomes complicated


Emma Potter

What crimes are committed in the condominium context?

But what are the crimes that see the condominium as a privileged theater?

According to the ANAMMI survey, in 50% of cases it's about thefts, followed by damage to the property (25.8%), and give them writings on the walls (21.78%). The assaults (3.56%) represent a small number, but no less worrying.

“Theft, even if it concerns a private home, has a natural consequence: condominium owners are asking for more security – explains Bica- even acts of vandalism, such as broken glass or writing on the wall, rightly arouse strong fears and the perception that you are no longer safe. Seeking protection, the administrator is asked for help, also from a psychological point of view, confirming that today we need to be therapistsjust saying, of its administrators”.

The solutions adopted in condominiums

Against the risk of yet another theft or damage to the property being repeated, the solutions adopted they are of various kinds.

Usually, we are not satisfied with just one security measure: 69.8% of administrators indicate first and foremost theobligation to close the door60% add the better lighting and, in 34.67% of those interviewed, also the surveillance cameras. 27% rely onalarm24.4% at insurance policy4.89% chose the service security and concierge.

“It may be surprising, but the solution that has proven to be the most effective is the obligation to close the door – observes Bica – in reality, keeping the entrance closed is often an excellent way to avoid unwanted visits”.

Also on the effectiveness front, ANAMMI members believe it could be useful to adopt more measures, such as lighting (18.22%), and video surveillance (23.11%).

Violence also against condominium administrators

Not only condominium owners are the protagonists of unpleasant episodes: even condominium administrators experience bad adventures. 68% say they have never had problems, but almost 15% say they have been subject to attacks or threats more than once, while for 16% “it rarely occurred”. The reaction, in the majority of cases, consisted of pretending nothing had happened, while 32% reported, 14.22% even gave up the job.

“Ours is a complicated job – notes Bica – the condominium is the mirror of our society, even in its darkest sides. Alongside the phenomenon of disputes, that of criminal incidents must be a reason for reflection for our institutions”.

In this regard, the ANAMMI administrators have clear ideas: 38.67% is necessary greater control of the territory, for 37.33% they would be necessary incentives to adopt safety measures. Only 22% would ask the institutions more severe sanctions.

Press release by Silvia Cerioli, ANAMMI press office