The management of condominium expenses represents a crucial component in the life of a condominium, ensuring the maintenance and good functioning of the common areas.
However, it may happen that a condominium owner finds himself late with the payment of these expenses, giving rise to a series of procedures that aim to protect the interests of the entire condominium community.
This article explores the consequences of delay in payments of condominium expensescost sharing mechanisms, applicable sanctions and legal implications, offering a clear and detailed picture of how this issue is managed within a condominium.
Criteria for allocating condominium expenses
The determination of the condominium fees to be paid by each condominium owner follows well-defined criteria, established mainly on the basis of thousandths of ownership. These thousandths represent the share of participation of each condominium owner in the common parts of the building and are decisive in the calculation of his share of the condominium expenses.
The expenses, which may include ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, management costs and consumption of the common areas, are estimated in advance through an annual budget. There are no exemptions from payment: all condominium owners are required to contribute to expenses in proportion to their thousandths of ownership, unless different provisions are provided for in the condominium regulations.
In the event of late payment, it is essential to know how the situation is managed and what the consequences may be for the defaulting condominium owner.
Service charges paid late: what happens
When a condominium owner does not respect the payment times for condominium expenses, the condominium administrator takes a series of actions to recover the sums due. The first step usually consists of an informal reminder, often via registered letter, which invites the defaulting condominium owner to regularize your position within a specific deadline, generally 15 days.
In case of no response or persistent non-compliance, the administrator can proceed with a more formal and incisive warning letter, which signals the end of tolerance and the initiation of possible legal action.
If this last attempt also has no effect, it is possible to resort to legal action, requesting an injunction from the competent court. This action forces the defaulting condominium owner to pay off the debt within a short period, under penalty of further legal consequences, which can go as far as the seizure of assets.
Furthermore, the condominium regulations may provide specific sanctions for late paymentssuch as the suspension of services or the application of interest and late payments, provided that these measures have been approved unanimously at the condominium meeting.
These procedures highlight the importance of maintaining healthy financial management within the condominium and demonstrate how the administrator has various tools at his disposal to ensure compliance with obligations by all condominium members.
Delay in the payment of condominium expenses: the injunction and the legal implications
In situations of protracted arrears, where friendly attempts and legal warnings have not led to the recovery of the sums owed, the administrator may decide to resort to more incisive legal measures, such as an injunction. This legal instrument allows you to speed up the debt collection process through the intervention of the judge.
After the presentation of the request by the administrator, and in the absence of opposition by the condominium owner within the established deadlines, the decree becomes executive, obliging the debtor to make immediate payment or to transfer assets to cover the debt.
The defaulting condominium owner is therefore faced with a forced choice: pay off the amount owed or risk more burdensome legal procedures, such as seizure of assets.
It is important to underline that these actions not only have economic repercussions on the individual, but can also influence the climate of trust and collaboration within the condominium, underlining the importance of transparent and conscious management of condominium finances.
This legal process demonstrates the seriousness with which delays in the payment of condominium expenses are treated and the existence of effective tools to protect the condominium community. The judge's intervention represents the ultima ratio, confirming that every attempt has been made to resolve the matter amicably.
Delayed condominium expenses: what the law says and solidarity between condominium owners
The Italian Civil Code, in particular articles 1104 and 1123, establishes the rules for the management and distribution of condominium expenses, offering a legal framework within which the condominium administration operates. In addition to these provisions, article 63 of the implementing provisions of the civil code introduces a fundamental principle in the event of default: the solidarity between condominiums.
Article 63
For the collection of contributions based on the distribution status approved by the meeting, the administrator, without the need for authorization from the latter, can obtain an immediately enforceable injunction decree, despite opposition, and is required to communicate to creditors not yet satisfied that contact the data of the defaulting condominiums.The creditors cannot take action against the obligors who are up to date with their payments, unless after the enforcement of the other condominium owners.
In the event of a delay in the payment of contributions which has continued for a period of six months, the administrator may suspend the defaulting condominium owner from using the common services susceptible to separate enjoyment.
Whoever takes over the rights of a condominium owner is jointly and severally obliged with this to the payment of contributions relating to the current and previous years.
Whoever transfers rights to real estate units remains jointly and severally liable with the assignee for the contributions accrued until the moment in which an authentic copy of the title determining the transfer of the right is sent to the administrator.
According to this principle, in the event of default by a condominium owner, the other condominium owners are required to cover unpaid expenses, thus ensuring continuity in the management of the common areas and condominium services. This solidarity mechanism guarantees that the activities necessary for the maintenance and efficiency of the condominium are not interrupted due to late payments by one or more condominium owners.
Furthermore, if the debtor is a tenant, the responsibility for payment falls on the owner of the real estate unit. This aspect underlines the importance for owners to have clear and precise agreements with their tenants regarding the payment of condominium expenses.
In the event of the sale of a real estate unit, the new owner assumes the obligation to pay the condominium expenses for the current year and the previous year, as provided for in article 63 disp. att. cc, highlighting the transmission of these obligations in the event of a transfer of ownership.
These legal provisions ensure that all condominiums contribute equally to the collective well-being and that the expenses necessary for the management of the condominium are always covered, preserving the harmony and functionality of the common areas.
The management of condominium expenses represents a crucial aspect for the well-being and functionality of a condominium. The delay or failure to pay these expenses by one or more condominium owners can trigger a chain of consequences ranging from simple solicitations to much more incisive legal actions, such as an injunction and seizure of assets.
Italian legislation, in particular through the Civil Code and its implementing provisions, provides a clear and detailed framework on how condominium expenses are divided and on the procedures to be followed in the event of arrears, underlining the principle of solidarity between condominium owners.
This system guarantees that, even in the face of individual difficulties, the common needs of the condominium are always satisfied, thus preserving balance and harmonious coexistence within the condominium community.