Distances in construction: a regulatory and practical in-depth webinar (with CFP)


Emma Potter

The webinar – curated by the experts Romolo Balasso and Pierfrancesco Zenauthors of the volume The regime of distances in construction – aims to provide all the necessary tools to master the topic, providing theregulatory framework of reference and the position of the jurisprudence, through the concrete examination of the different cases that can occur.

Ample space will also be given to practical part, with the analysis of cases such as windowed walls, the relationship with the streets and constraints, exceptions, etc. During the course – aimed above all at technical professionals, operators of the Technical Offices of local authorities, lawyers and jurists specialized in construction and urban planning – it will be possible to meet with the teachers to ask questions and application cases.

The course is accredited for the continuous training of architects, surveyors and graduate surveyors (8 CFP). Accreditation for continuing education required Lawyers. The registration fee includes: access to the live broadcast of the course, teaching materials and ability to review the recording for 365 days.

Webinar Distances in construction, program

  • Introduction to the topic
  • Legal distances in construction
  • Essential legislation
  • The relationship of the distance regime with other disciplines
  • The fundamental principles
  • Fundamentals
  • Criteria for measuring distances between buildings
  • Derogation from the distance regime in construction
  • Distances in demolition and reconstruction interventions
  • Distance violations
  • Jurisprudential cases

Webinar Distances in construction, teachers

Romolo Balasso it's a freelance architect who has oriented his professional activity in the technical-legal field. Consultant, trainer, speaker at various conferences and seminars throughout the country and author of various publications, he was the promoter and founder of the technical-legal study center Tecnojusfor which he holds the position of president.

Pierfrancesco Zen and instead lawyer (Foro di Padova), belonging to the Association of Administrative Lawyers of the Veneto and co-founder of the Study Center Tecnojusas well as trainer and author of various literary and legal publications, especially in the field of administrative and civil law.