The innovations introduced by the Ministerial Decree of 13 September 2024
The Circular specifies that the issuing of the decree in question was necessary to respond to the reported difficultiesalso by the main trade associations, relating to availability of suitable examination venues equipped with specific equipment and systems. In fact, these structures they are not yet distributed uniformly on the national territory.
The main changes introduced with the Ministerial Decree of 13 September 2024 concern:
- updating the qualification methods for fire maintenance technicians;
- the extension to 25 September 2025 of the entry into force of the provisions on the qualification of maintenance technicians;
- the adjustment of the tariff for the activity of evaluating the requirements of maintenance technicians.
It is then recalled that all the other provisions of the Ministerial Decree of 1 September 2021, such as the general fire maintenance and surveillance criteria, are already in force from 25 September 2022.
Qualification of maintenance technicians
THE qualified maintenance technicians carry out maintenance work and checks on systems, equipment and other fire safety measures.
The qualification methods of the maintenance technician are established in theAnnex II of decree of 1 September 2021.
During the transitional phase, which will end on September 25, 2025the maintainers will be able to continue to carry out its business to condition that present thespecific request for admission to the exam.
Pending the completion of the procedures for carrying out the exam and/or issuing the certificates of suitability, it will be possible to operate thanks to the issuing of the Temporary Clearance (NOT)as specified in DCPREV note n. 8191 of 17 May 2024. This authorization will be issued following formal verification of the documentation presented and will be valid for the single fire prevention unit.
The entire exam management process will be carried out exclusively for via telematics thanks to the implementation of a specific IT application, as detailed in the following paragraphs. Accordingly, they will be repealed the following models:
- “Mod. Maintenance Exams rev01/23”, relating to the “request for admission to the exam for qualification as a qualified maintenance technician of fire-fighting systems, systems and equipment”;
- “Mod. A and B – Trainers/exam centers”, relating to the “request for registration in the list of trainers”.
Regarding therate update for the activity of evaluating the requirements of the maintenance technician, it is specified that those who have already forwarded the request before the entry into force of the Ministerial Decree of 13 September 2024 will have to integrate the payment through the dedicated IT platform.
How to submit the application
To submit the application for examination to obtain the Qualified Maintenance Technician qualificationthe candidate must access the dedicated portal using digital authentication via SPID or CIE and fill in the appropriate web form.
During compilation, it is necessary to insert one or more devices, select an exam location among those available e specify the exam case (case 1 or case 2).
If you fall within the case 2it is necessary to attach the relevant documentation to the selected device, such as service certificates and certificates.
After completing the application, the candidate must verify the accuracy of the data entered and proceed to payment of the tax stamp and the contribution administrative via PagoPA. Once the request is confirmed, it is automatically transmitted to the competent VF Directorate.
The VF Management verifies compliance with the requirements set out in the Ministerial Decree of 1 September 2021 and subsequent amendments. If they are necessary integrationsthe candidate will receive a note via the portal requesting additional documentation. If the additions are not compliant, the application may be rejected or further additions requested. In the event of a positive outcome, the VF Directorate registers the candidate in the public list and issues the Transitional Nulla Osta (NOT) for each facility indicated in the application.