Inarcassa minimum contribution waiver, you can request it until May 31st


Emma Potter

This year too – like every year since 2014, the year in which the standard was approved – Inarcassa gives the possibility of derogate from the obligation of the minimum subjective contribution (for a maximum of 5 years, even non-continuously, over the course of their working life) for those who expect to achieve a degree in 2024 professional income less than 18,586.00 (in 2014 the limit was set at 15,690 euros).

These professionals can then submit a declaration online and do not pay the minimum subjective contribution and pay 14.5% of the income actually produced by December 2025. The minimum supplementary contribution and the maternity contribution must in any case be paid by 30 June and 30 September of each year.

Inarcassa minimum contribution waiver, the requirements

To request the exemption it is necessary to connect to the reserved area of Inarcassa Online (to the menu Concessions – Waiver of minimum subjective contribution) and send the application no later than May 31st. These are the requirements you must meet:

– be registered with Inarcassa at the time of the request (in the case of registration after May 31st, the request for exemption for the current year must be submitted within the following month upon receipt of the registration notification);
do not be retiring or retired Arches;
do not benefit from the discount for young people under 35;
not having exercised the right to derogate 5 times already.

You can request an exemption also those who are currently paying their minimum contributions every two months: the installment plan will lapse, the installments already paid will be offset against the supplementary contribution and the maternity contribution and the residual amount, if due, will be paid on 30 September.

Inarcassa minimum contribution waiver, the effects

If the amount of income which will be included in the declaration (to be submitted by October 31st), it will really be less than 18,586 EUR, a MAV will be generated for an amount equal to 14.5% of the declared income, to be paid by the following December 31st. If instead will be equal or higheran MAV will be generated equal to 14.5% of the declared income, plus interest (ECB+4.50%) on the minimum contribution due only.

If, finally, the tax declaration was not presented by December 31st the exemption will be automatically revoked, with the consequent restoration of the minimum subjective contribution due and the application of the sanctions provided for by the 2012 Social Security Regulation.

Assistance services and contributions

During the exemption year all assistance services remain guaranteed (maternity leave, subsidies, temporary disability allowance, mortgages, financing) and the possibility of submitting a redemption request (degree, military service, work periods abroad) or reunion of insurance periods accrued with other social security management.

The exemption, however, determines the reduction in the contribution period useful for retirement, which is recognized in proportion to the amount paid for the year concerned. Inarcassa gives this example: “with an income of 5,000 euros declared for 2017, the subjective contribution due will be 5,000 x 14.50% = 725 euros, so the seniority will be equal to 116 days instead of 365 ((725/ 2,280) x 365 days)”.

You can possibly integrate the unpaid amounts by requesting redemption within the following five years, and thus ensure your full social security seniority (voluntary integration).