INL Competition for 750 Technical Inspectors Coming Soon: What We Know So Far


Emma Potter

The publication of the tender is expected by the summer INL Competition 2024 from 750 permanent positions for technical inspectorsas provided for by the PNRR Decree, which authorizes the hiring of new personnel for Strengthen surveillance activities in the field of work, social legislation and health and safety in the workplace.

It will be a competition for qualifications and examsfor candidates in possession of the degreearticulated on a regional basis. The announcement could be made as early as July, given that the competitive procedure should be carried out by the National Labor Inspectorate by September. Let’s see what we know so far >> we will update this article once the announcement is released, sign up in the reserved area (top right) and save it among your favorites!

INL 750 Technical Inspector Competition, Requirements

The 750 positions that will be put up for competition are for the profile of health and safety technical surveillance inspectors. There are no age restrictions to participate in the competition, but it is necessary to be in possession of the degree. With the publication of the announcement we will have more detailed information on the types of degrees admitted.

Candidates must also possess the general requirements for access to public competitions provided for by current legislation (Italian citizenship, majority, enjoyment of civil and political rights, etc.).

INL 750 Technical Inspectors Competition, Selection Tests

The INL 2024 competition will most likely consist of an evaluation of qualifications and a written exam.
The previous competition announced by the National Labor Inspectorate included a written test with 40 multiple-choice questions to be solved in 60 minutes, with:

  • 25 questions aimed at verifying relevant knowledge relating to the subjects indicated in the next paragraph;
  • 8 questions aimed at testing logical-deductive and critical-verbal reasoning skills;
  • 7 situational questions relating to organizational and management issues falling within the scope of organizational behavior studies.

INL 750 Technical Inspector Competition, Exam Subjects

The exam subjects on which most of the questions will probably be asked will be the following:

  • machines and systems;
  • building sciences;
  • regulations on health and safety protection in the workplace (legislative decree 9 April 2008, n. 81);
  • Directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006 on machinery, and amending Directive 95/16/EC;
  • Regulation (EU) 2016/425 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016 on personal protective equipment and repealing Council Directive 89/686/EEC;
    regulations on elevators and steam generators;
  • regulations on ionising radiation;
  • elements of chemistry;
  • elements of labor law;
  • English language;
  • use of the most popular computer applications and software.

How much does an INL inspector earn?

The winners of the new INL competition for technical inspectors will be hired, as anticipated, with permanent contract and framed in theOfficials Areaaccording to the new staff classification introduced by the 2019-2021 central functions CCNL.

A Labour Inspectorate official is paid a salary of gross annual salary of 23,501.93 eurosto which is added the thirteenth month’s salary and other allowances due. The net monthly salary is therefore around 1600-1700 euros.