A maneuver on two fronts
The house is therefore called upon to play an important role for the revenue recovery for next year. After the already announced revision of building bonus rates in fact the check on who has used these Bonuses for significant work but it is then “forgot” to update the cadastral income. Specific measures to ferret out Superbonus scammers have already been in force since the beginning of the year, and it is foreseeable that the announced checks on those who have used the other bonuses will move along this same line.
When the annuity should be reviewed in case of extraordinary work
THE’declaration obligation updating of the cadastral income is foreseen by thearticle 1, paragraphs 1 and 2, of decree of the Minister of Finance n. 701 of 19 April 1994. The new income must be declared by the owner at the end of the renovation works using a technician qualified for land registry practices. The deadline for submitting declarations is set in thirty days from the date of completion of the works.
The specific rules were dictated in the Territorial Agency circular no. 10/2005. In the case of extraordinary maintenance work the review is mandatory when the interventions involve a increase in market value exceeding 15% compared to pre-existing conditions.
In this regard the circular expressly mentions: redevelopment of toilets; installation of new technological systems; use of more valuable materials. In practice these are all the interventions for which the Home Bonus is currently foreseen, given that this is recognized exclusively in the case in which interventions are carried out which involve an innovation compared to the previous situation. Beyond the bathroom renovation, the new technological systems can also include: heat pump air conditionersas well as in the case of more valuable materials we can find the new generation fixtures. And, obviously, the income must be revised in case of installation of solar panels.
Obligation and sanctions but few controls for ordinary bonuses
There are provisions for those who do not comply with the obligation sanctions and the intervention of the Revenue Agency for assign ex officio a higher income. In fact, however, the controls are scarce if not completely non-existent in the absence of specific rules for cross-referencing the data with the cadastral results. A situation that could change from next year, based on when already foreseen for the Superbonus.
Superbonus already in the sights
The tightening in this case came with the Budget Law in force from January 1st. In fact, here it is expected that the Revenue Agency must verify whether the tax has been presented or not annuity review after the works with reference to the real estate units subject to Superbonus interventions. The verification must be conducted on the basis of specific selective lists expressly developed by the Agency itself. Revenue checks apply to all buildings both in the case of energy requalification and consolidation interventions without difference between direct use of the deduction and discount on the invoice or transfer of credit.
Failure to submit the cadastral change is sanctioned by law. In the case of properties covered by the Superbonus, the Revenue Agency must send the taxpayer a compliance letter with the invitation to comply. In the absence of presentation of the communication they are triggered the penalties vary from a minimum of 1,032 to a maximum of 8,264 euros.
The hunt for ghost houses
As for the ghost housesit’s a script we’ve already seen. The last intervention in this sense dates back to 2011 when a campaign was launched which led to the identification of well two million properties previously completely escaped any taxation. In the Revenue Agency’s plans for the next two years, the hunt for ghost houses is among the priority objectives. In fact, the aim is to reach 70% of the total territory under investigation, compared to the current 45% today. The research is done through remote sensing, aerial photos, inspections, superimposition of digital photos with archive data.
In addition to properties already completed, or which are still under construction, but have actually been completed, the checks will also concern the changes made but never declaredi.e. additions and extensions but also, for example, swimming pools or annexes added to the main building.
Amnesty in sight for those who regularize
Today, owners of undeclared properties can regularize your position by presenting the required cadastral update documents in the case using the voluntary repentance which allows you to pay a reduced administrative fine (equal to 1/6 of the minimum, if the regularization takes place more than two years after the violation). The government’s next intervention on this front could also provide even more convenient conditions in the event of spontaneous compliance.