Public Contracts after the New Code (Legislative Decree 36/2023)
The Manual is an excellent tool for preparing and updating on the Public Contracts Code in light of the regulatory innovations introduced by Legislative Decree 36/2023. Public contracts have always been one of the most requested topics during public competition tests and the innovations introduced by Legislative Decree. 36/2023, in force from 1 July 2023, are and will be the subject of the competitive tests. This volume is presented as the ideal study and updating tool for candidates: – clearly and comprehensively illustrates the principles, rules and fundamental provisions introduced by the new Contracts Code; – summarizes the fundamental concepts thanks to the very useful concept maps linked to 15 video lessons of explanation and commentary by the author; – presents a table of correspondence between the articles of the old and those of the new Code; – allows you to review the main topics thanks to a questionnaire with commented answers. Available in the online section linked to the book, in addition to the 15 video lessons, a regulatory Appendix. Luigi Tramontano A lawyer, former contract teacher at the Economic and Financial Police School of the Guardia di Finanza, he is the author of numerous legal publications and an expert in legislative technique, curator of prestigious legislative databases and scientific director of accredited courses in preparation for the exam to qualify for the legal profession.