Photovoltaic and self-consumption groups: guide to incentives


Emma Potter

CER Decree. Guide to incentives for photovoltaic and self-consumption groups

Access to incentives and preferential tariffs for the production and self-consumption of electricity produced by photovoltaic systems, contemplated by the so-called CER Decree and by the GSE operating regulation, does not only involve Renewable Energy Communities but also individual building owners single-family homes, villas and condominium apartments. But how do these loans and incentives work? How much are they and how are they calculated? How to access it? All the answers are provided in this eBook: a practical guide that helps you understand and make the most of the opportunities offered by the new incentive system for photovoltaics. As further support, the work presents an extensive operational glossary, a contract for the establishment of a Self-Consumption Group (also available in customizable .docx format) and over 100 practical cases and solved questions. THE CONTENTS The photovoltaic incentives of the CER Decree Configurations and incentives Bills and payments The rules for creating Self-Consumption Groups Bonuses for installing systems The Self-consumption group in a condominiumThe group in a condominium with private systemsThe PNNR contributionResolved questions (115 questions)Operational GlossaryContract form for the establishment of the Self-consumption groupAntonella DonatiProfessional journalist, has several years of parliamentary journalism under her belt with particular attention to the approval of financial measures and maneuvers budget. In this area you specifically deal with tax, social security and social security issues. She is the author of numerous volumes, articles and essays on the subject