Secondary School Competition 2024: news and how to prepare


Emma Potter

Introduced important changes and news for the 2024 School Competitionfor all school levels (childhood, primary and secondary): during a briefing by the Ministry of Education and Merit to the trade unions, the changes that will affect the Ministerial Decrees 205 and 206 of 26 October 2023.

Let’s see them in this article, in which however we focus only on secondary schoolsince i graduates in technical disciplines (such as engineering, architecture and similar) can participate in the competition exclusively for the chairs of this school level, as already provided for in previous notices. We also remember that, for the positions of ITP (Practical Technical Teacher), until 31 December 2024 it will be possible to participate with the diploma only (for example as a surveyor).

Secondary School Competition: what’s new for 2024

In particular, these will be the changes for the next competitions:

  • The deadlines for submitting the application are reduced 30 to 20 days;
  • THE’Attachment A to Ministerial Decree 205/2023 is integrated with the programs for the competition classes
    • AK24 – Foreign languages ​​and cultures in upper secondary education institutions (Hebrew);
    • AM24 – Foreign languages ​​and cultures in upper secondary education institutions (Neo-Greek).
  • It will be aput to the oral test a number of candidates equal to three times that of the positions available for competition in the region for the single competition class or type of position, provided that the candidate obtains at least 70 points out of 100.

However, there is no news regarding the publication of the tenders, which should take place in the next few weeks. The Minister Valditararesponding to the unions – who were asking for a stop to new competitions for the regions and teaching areas in which suitable people from other procedures are present – reiterated that Italy is committed to the European Union to hire 70 thousand teachers through PNRR competitions and that therefore, in order not to lose the funds of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, there are no alternatives.

We remind you that, after the appointments scheduled for the 2024/2025 school year, the available places amount to approximately 19 thousandof which 5,785 on support posts. The distributions by region or by school level are not yet known, so further details are awaited with the publication of the notices. It is not excluded that, as has happened in the past, further posts may be added through subsequent integrations. While waiting for the (apparently imminent) publication of the new tenders, let’s see what to know about the selection process, and how to prepare.

Secondary School Competition 2024: tests

The 2024 School Competition includes a written test and an oral test. The tests will be structured to evaluate the candidates’ skills in an in-depth manner. Only candidates who pass the written test will be able to access the oral test, assuming they have obtained at least 70 points out of 100.

  • Written test
    • Duration: 100 minutes
    • Structure: 50 multiple choice questions
    • Prohibitions: The use of notes, books, electronic devices or calculators will not be permitted. During the test, candidates will not be able to communicate with each other.
  • Oral test
    • Duration: maximum 30 minutes
    • Content: verification of specific knowledge and one simulated lesson to evaluate teaching skills
    • Rating: Will also be included knowledge of the English languageevaluated during both the written and oral tests.

Secondary School Competition 2024: how to prepare