As we have seen, the deadline for sending applications to participate expired on 8 February 2024 SNA Competition 2024for the admission of 116 students to the 10th competition course for public managers from the National School of Administration.
According to the provisions of the authorization decree, adopted by the Minister for Public Administration in concert with the Minister for Economy and Finance, they will be selected and hired 97 managers of the Public Administration, which will then be allocated to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Ministries, Agencies and other public bodies.
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Now, with a notice published on the institutional website it has been made known that everyone updates on the calendar and locations of the pre-selection test will be published on May 23rd 2024. Let's see the subdivision of poststhe, what were the requirements to participate, how the tests of selection and how to best prepare.
SNA 2024 competition, division of places
The competition notice provides for the recruitment of 116 students for the competition course and the subsequent selection of 97 managers, divided as follows:
- Presidency of the Council of Ministers: 6 places;
- Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry: 2 posts;
- Ministry of Economy and Finance: 11 posts;
- Ministry of Business and Made in Italy: 7 positions;
- Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport: 3 posts;
- Ministry of the Interior: 11 posts;
- Ministry of Education and Merit: 6 posts;
- Ministry of University and Research: 2 positions;
- Ministry of Labor and Social Policies: 1 post;
- Ministry of Culture: 7 posts;
- Ministry of Defence: 2 posts;
- Ministry of Justice – Notarial Archives: 1 position;
- Ministry of Justice – Department of Penitentiary Administration: 2 posts;
- Ministry of Justice – Department of Juvenile and Community Justice: 1 post;
- Ministry of Health: 1 place;
- Ministry of Tourism: 8 posts;
- Customs and Monopolies Agency: 11 posts;
- Revenue Agency: 3 positions;
- Defense Industry Agency: 3 positions
- Agency for Agricultural Payments (AGEA): 2 positions
- Agency for Digital Italy (AgID): 2 positions;
- National Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC): 1 place;
- National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work (INAIL): 4 positions.
SNA 2024 competition: requirements and application
All those who have obtained a qualification will be able to participate in the X SNA competition course master's degree it's a Ph.D or a specialization diploma or a II level university master's degree.
Those who are already public employees must have a specialist degree, master's degree or university diploma at least 5 years of service in Public Administration in functional positions for which at least a three-year degree is required.
The application must be sent – by 11.59pm onFebruary 8, 2024 – through the InPA Portal, by clicking on the “Send your application” button at the bottom of the page dedicated to the competition, and accessing via SPID/CIE/CNS/eIDAS. Possession of a is required PEC address or a digital home.
SNA 2024 competition, selection tests and subjects
The X SNA Course-competition will be divided into the following phases:
- pre-selective testpossible (in the event that the number of applications for participation is equal to or greater than three times the number of places available for competition);
- three written tests;
- oral exam.
Pre-selective test
The pre-selection test for this competition consists of a series of 60 multiple choice questions and can also take place in decentralized locations. Numerous quiz they will be situational and logical. For preparation we recommend this volume specially prepared by Maggioli editore: Competition for 116 SNA Executive Students. Commented quizzes for the pre-selection test
. We also suggest:
Here is how the pre-selection questions will be divided:
- constitutional law (3),
- administrative law (5),
- European Union law (3),
- political economy (3),
- economic policy (3),
- economics of public administrations (2),
- public management and digital innovation (6),
- analysis of public policies (5),
- English language – level B2 CEFR (6),
- abstract verbal and logical reasoning (12),
- situational quizzes (12) two for each of the six skills indicated in article 5 of the notice.
Written tests and oral exam
There first written test will have a duration of 5 hours and will consist of completing 4 questions on the exam subjects. There second written test it will be of the “In basketball” type (to evaluate the candidate's abilities, aptitudes and inclinations) and will last for 2 hourswhile the third written testlasting 2 and a half hoursconsists in the drafting of a report in English on a topic relating to public administration.
There oral exam will consist of a interview aimed at ascertaining the transversal skills listed in article 5 of the notice and knowledge of the English language.