The requirements to obtain the SOA Certification


Emma Potter

The SOA certification represents the key to access construction bonuses for large-scale works, a document that is now indispensable in the construction sector following the latest government legislation. With a minimum ceiling set at 516,000 eurosunderstanding how to obtain this qualification has become crucial for entrepreneurs aiming to expand their business.

This short guide aims to clarify the requirements necessary for requesting the SOA certification, divided into general, economic and technical categories, to navigate safely towards obtaining this precious document.

The general requirements

To access the SOA certification, each company must first satisfy a series of general requirements. These constitute the foundation for demonstrating one's suitability and seriousness in the construction sector.

Let's see them in detail:

  • Registration in the business register
    Being registered in the Company Register is the first essential step, as it certifies the legal existence of the company itself.
  • Absence of serious violations
    The company must not have committed violations considered particularly serious, such as tax irregularities, false declarations, or violations of workplace safety regulations. This requirement aims to guarantee the reliability and correctness of the company towards the law and the safety of workers.
  • Professional morality and anti-mafia legislation
    Possession of professional morality requirements is required, especially for the most important corporate roles (owners, legal representatives, partners, etc.), thus ensuring the integrity and lawfulness of company operations.
  • Contribution regularity
    The company must be up to date with the payments of social security and welfare contributions, confirming its social responsibility towards its employees.
  • Right to work for people with disabilities
    The legislation on the right to work for people with disabilities must be respected, guaranteeing inclusion and equal opportunities within the company.

These general requirements form the basis for ethical and legal participation in the construction market, ensuring that the company operates responsibly and in compliance with current regulations.

Economic requirements

The economic requirements represent a further selection filter for companies that aspire to obtain the SOA certification. The objective is to evaluate the financial strength of the company, ensuring that it has the necessary resources to manage jobs of a certain size.

Below are the main economic requirements:

  • Bank references
    It is essential to provide bank references that certify the economic solidity of the company. This demonstrates the company's ability to financially manage large-scale construction projects.
  • Positive net worth
    For joint-stock companies, it is necessary that the latest balance sheet filed shows a positive net worth, an indication of the financial health of the company.
  • Adequate turnover
    The company must demonstrate that it has an overall turnover, in the last years of activity (up to a maximum of 15 years), equal to at least 100% of the sum of the classifications required in the various SOA categories. This ensures that the company has a history of work consistent with future aspirations.
  • Staff Price
    The cost of personnel in the last years of activity must represent at least 15% of the turnover, with 40% allocated to blue-collar personnel. Alternatively, it can be equal to at least 10% of the turnover, with 80% allocated to technical staff (diplomas or graduates). This requirement evaluates the company's investment in human resources, which are fundamental for the creation of quality work.
  • Cost of equipment
    In recent years, the cost of equipment must have been at least 2% of the turnover, with the condition that expenses for rental equipment do not exceed 60% of the total. This criterion verifies the adequacy and up-to-dateness of the company's material resources.

The economic requirements are crucial to evaluate the financial capacity of a company to tackle and manage significant works, guaranteeing reliability and competence in the execution of construction projects.

The technical requirements

The technical requirements are fundamental to certify the competence and ability of a company to carry out specific works in the construction sector. They are aimed at verifying not only the presence of qualified personnel but also the company's practical experience in projects that require particular technical expertise.

Let's see in detail:

  • Qualified Technical Director
    The presence of a Technical Director in the company, in possession of the requirements specified by the legislation, is essential. This professional figure guarantees the technical supervision of the works, ensuring that they are conducted according to the required standards.
  • Carrying out work in the SOA categories
    The company must have carried out works belonging to the requested categories for an amount equal to at least 90% of the relevant classification. This demonstrates the company's experience and ability to manage projects of broad scope and technical specificity.
  • Execution of important works (flagship works)
    To further certify its technical competence, the company must have carried out works of particular importance belonging to the requested category, defined as “peak works”. There are three possibilities to satisfy this requirement:

    • A peak job amounting to at least 40% of the requested category;
    • Two top works for a total amount equal to at least 55% of the requested ranking;
    • Three top jobs for a total amount equal to at least 65% of the required ranking.

To document the implementation of these works, the company must exhibit the Work Execution Certificates (CEL), which officially certify the company's ability to carry out projects that comply with expectations and specific technical needs.

The technical requirements are therefore a key element to demonstrate the company's ability to tackle and complete complex jobs, respecting high standards of quality and competence in the construction sector.


Obtaining SOA certification is a crucial step for construction companies wishing to participate in tenders for works worth more than 516,000 euros, especially in a context in which construction bonuses stimulate significant investments in the sector. Understanding and satisfying general, economic and technical requirements not only opens the doors to new business opportunities but also attests to the seriousness, competence and financial solidity of the company.

Through careful preparation and compliance with these standards, companies can stand out in the market, ensuring transparency, quality and reliability in their construction projects.

The SOA certification guide is not only a compass for navigating the complex world of construction qualifications but is also a symbol of the company's commitment to excellence and professional integrity.