Construction and urban planning: all the news of the Salva Casa in Lombardy The new Salva Casa rules simplify building amnesties, changes of intended use and recovery of premises, with specific implementations in the Italian regions to harmonize local provisions.


Emma Potter

The “Save Home”, which came into force in July 2024, represents a turning point for Italian construction, offering simplified tools for compliance checks, building amnesties and the recovery of spaces such as attics and basements.

The Lombardy region, with the recent Regional Law 20/2024, has implemented these innovations, harmonizing them with the local regulatory framework.

But what really changes for citizens and professionals? And what scenarios open up for the future of construction?

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The main changes introduced by Salva Casa

The Salva Casa has modified the Consolidated Construction Law, aiming to streamline often complex and burdensome procedures. Among the most significant innovations are the new rules for the regularization of non-compliant interventions, which can now be regularized more easily through the assessment of compliance. This procedure, made more accessible, allows for the remediation of works carried out in conflict with the permits issued, ensuring a balance between the protection of the territory and the needs of those who have to regularize properties.

Another crucial aspect concerns changes in intended use: the Save Casa has eliminated some restrictions that imposed increased contributions and long waiting times, favoring greater flexibility for interventions that transform premises into living, commercial or productive spaces.

Furthermore, this new regulatory framework introduces simplifications for the recovery of attics and basements, allowing previously unused spaces to be used with less complex bureaucratic procedures.

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The changes introduced in Lombardy with LR 20/2024

Lombardy has adapted to the innovations of the Save Home with Regional Law 20/2024, which came into force on 11 December 2024. This law introduced significant changes to LR 12/2005 on territorial governance, making the regional regulatory framework more coherent with national provisions.

Among the main points, the expansion of the possibilities of use of the stands out Scia (Certified Report of Start of Activity)which is also extended to interventions that previously required building permission.

The alternative Scia and the amnesty Scia become central tools for managing building transformations, reducing times and costs for citizens and businesses.

Another important change concerns the repeal of the rules that imposed more rigid procedures for changes of intended use, such as the payment of an increased construction contribution for transformations that occurred within 10 years of the completion of the works.

This simplification offers new opportunities to redevelop existing buildings without excessive costs.

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Recovery of attics and basements: new opportunities

An important innovation introduced by Regional Law 20/2024 concerns the recovery of attics and basements. These spaces, often unused or underused, can now be redeveloped more easily thanks to the possibility of using Scia, significantly simplifying the process compared to previous regulations.

The new law also eliminates the restriction that prevented the change of intended use in the ten years following the achievement of usability.

This allows attics and basements to be quickly transformed into habitable, commercial or other use spaces, increasing the value of properties and meeting the needs of many citizens.

This regulatory simplification represents a step forward to encourage the reuse of existing building stock, with a positive impact also on limiting land consumption.