Decree suitable areas for renewables: draft approved


Emma Potter

How to calculate the achievement of annual objectives

For the calculation of the achievement of the annual objectives, specified in the Table A, takes into account:

  • from the nominal power of newly built renewable energy plants that have entered into operation from 1 January 2022 until 31 December of the reference year carried out in the territory of the Region or autonomous Province;
  • from the nominal power additional deriving from renovation, complete reconstruction or reactivation interventions that have entered into service from 1 January 2022 until 31 December of the reference year and carried out in the territory of the Region or autonomous Province;
  • of the 100% of rated power of offshore renewable energy plants of new construction entered into operation from 1 January 2022 until 31 December of the reference year whose connection works to the electricity grid are carried out on the territory of the Region or autonomous province.

The minimum, intermediate and final objectivesfor each Region and autonomous Province are shown below Table A.

What are the principles and criteria for identifying suitable areas?

To identify areas suitable for the installation of photovoltaic systems in agricultural areas, the Regions must follow homogeneous criteria as established byarticle 7 of the Decree in question.

These criteria aim to maximize the identification of suitable surfaces to achieve the objectives defined in Table A above.

In particular, the Regions must consider:

  • there protection of cultural and landscape heritagefrom the agricultural areas and forestryfrom the air quality and gods water bodies. We favor the use of built structures such as industrial warehouses, car parks and areas intended for industry, crafts, services and logistics. Areas that cannot be used for other purposes, including those, should also be assessed agricultural products not usablein relation to renewable resources, network infrastructure and electricity demand;
  • the possibility of classifying areas based on sourceat the cut and to typology of the system, differentiating the suitable surfaces;
  • respect for protected areas pursuant to legislative decree 22 January 2004, n. 42, establishing variable buffer zones of up to 7 kilometres.

However, these norms they do not apply to renovations of existing systems. In authorization procedures, the Ministry of Culture maintains jurisdiction over protected areas.

How to identify suitable areas

Finally, to facilitate this process, the Regions and autonomous Provinces can use the digital platform foreseen byarticle 21 of legislative decree n. 199 of 2021with the support of information provided by the various competent ministries.

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