Energy Manager: who he is, skills
The Energy Manager, which can be translated as “energy manager”, as we have said, is a figure who has the task of developing, and subsequently monitoring, strategies aimed at improve the use of energy of the company in which it operates, with the aim of reducing costs and minimizing environmental impact.
For this it is necessary that it has solid technical knowledge regarding energyincluding the principles of production, distribution and energy consumption. In fact, he often has a background in engineering, physics or other scientific or technical disciplines. It is also essential to have skills in data analysis, project management And energy regulations. At the moment, however, by law there are no obligations about courses to take, exams to take, certifications to obtain.
Energy Manager: what it does
The Energy Manager plays a crucial role in helping the organization achieve its sustainability goals. Her main responsibilities I am:
- Energy consumption analysis: Evaluate the organization's energy consumption to identify areas where efficiency can be improved.
- Strategic planning: develops strategic energy plans that include the implementation of more efficient technologies and the adoption of renewable sources.
- Process optimization: works to optimize existing processes and reduce energy waste.
- Regulatory compliance: ensures that the company complies with current energy laws and regulations.
- Training and awareness: Organize training for employees on the importance of energy efficiency and practices to reduce energy consumption.
- Reporting and monitoring: Regularly monitors progress towards energy efficiency goals and prepares detailed reports for management, suggesting further improvements and changes to existing strategies.
Energy Manager appointment: when it is mandatory and how to communicate it
The obligation to annually appoint an Energy Manager concerns entities operating in industrial, civil, tertiary and transport sectors which in the previous year had an energy consumption exceeding 10 thousand tonnes of oil equivalent (10,000 toe) for the industrial sectoror a thousand tons of oil equivalent (1,000 toe) for the civil, transport and tertiary sectors.
Communication must be made via the FIRE web platform >> NEMO (Nominate Energy Manager Online).
Individuals who do not reach the legal thresholds for annual energy consumption can still appoint the Energy Manager, via the same platform.
Whoever is appointed responsible pursuant to article 19 of law 10/91 is included in thelist curated and managed by FIRE on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Development (we specify that this is not a register).
The Energy Manager selected by the company must be a qualified professional with specific skills in the energy sector and proven experience in the sector, and may already be company employee or a external consultant.
Energy Manager and Energy Management Expert EGE: similarities and differences
The roles of the Energy manager pursuant to Law 10/91 and that of the energy management expert (EGE) pursuant to Legislative Decree 115/08 may coincide, but the case may also arise in which an Energy Manager is not an EGE and the case in which an EGE is not Energy Manager. In particular, as FIRE explains:
- A Energy Manager can be EGE at the same time: it is a desirable condition in several cases, as in general an Energy Manager should have requirements that satisfy the requirements of the UNI CEI 11339 standard (Non-regulated professional activities – Energy management expert – Knowledge, skill, autonomy and responsibility requirements), regardless of whether you intend to get certified or not. There are situations, especially in large organizations, in which the Energy Manager should be a high-level manager in order to effectively influence company choices.
- A Energy Manager may not be an EGE: an Energy Manager can in fact be appointed regardless of whether or not he has the characteristics required by Legislative Decree 115/08 and by the UNI CEI 11339 standard. As we have seen, for the Energy Manager there are currently no obligations regarding courses to take, exams to take, certifications to obtain.
- A EGE may not be Energy Manageras compliance with the requirements of the certification and accreditation scheme for compliance with the UNI CEI 11339:2009 standard can also be respected outside of the appointment of the Energy Manager.
The Energy Manager is often a required role by law in large companies, while the EGE is a professional certification that can be useful in various contexts, but it is generally not mandatory. Both figures aim at improvement of energy efficiency, but the Energy Manager tends to have ongoing, long-term responsibility for the overall energy management of the company, while the EGE may be involved in more specific and technical projects. In summary, while the Energy Manager has a role more centered on the continuous and integrated management of energy within an organization, the Energy Management Expert has specialized skills that can be applied in a variety of contexts and projects.