The price of energy-intensive homes is falling
Those looking for a home evaluate it more carefully energy class of the property and the reasons are to be found in the cost reduction of property management, in the concern that properties with high energy consumption suffer a decline in value over time and in greater awareness towards one eco-sustainable lifestyle.
Istat data on real estate prices in 2023 confirm a trend towards devaluation of energy-intensive propertieshighlighting an increasingly marked gap: while the price of newly built housing is rose by 8.9%the value of existing homes showed a modest increase of 0.3%.
Looking at the longer period starting from 2010, the existing houses they saw one reduction in their value by 8.8%on the contrary, for those of new construction a. was witnessed price increase of 24.4%.
Difference between high and low efficiency house in Rome
For example, al Pincio to Romethe cost per 100 square meters of an energy efficient house is approximately 1,500,000 euros and the higher cost compared to a house a low efficiency stands on 650,000 euros. To finance the price differencethe monthly mortgage payment, calculated on a thirty-year mortgage at 3%it would be 2,740 euros.
For the areas of They mention And Saint Lawrence prices for a Green House are around 500,000 euroswith an additional cost compared to low-efficiency homes of around 80,000-100,000 euros and mortgage installments of respectively 337 And 422 euros.
They are more accessible Talents And Corvialewhere the price drops to 380,000 And 350,000 euros respectively, with a higher cost of 60,000 And 120,000 euros and a mortgage installment to finance the difference equal to 253 And 506 euros.
Difference between high and low efficiency houses in Milan
TO Milan in the prestigious neighborhood of Quadrilateralthe cost per 100 square meters of an energy efficient house is approximately 1,980,000 eurosin this case the higher cost compared to a house a low efficiency stands on 640,000 euros. To finance the price differencethe monthly mortgage payment would be 2,698 euros.
Looking towards other less elite but still trendy Milanese neighborhoods, like Navigli or Città Studiyou notice a less marked price gap compared to the Quadrilateral, but still significant: 190,000 And 200,000 euros respectively, which translate to monthly mortgage payments of 801 and 843 euros.
Difference between high and low efficiency houses in Turin
Moving on to Turinthe price difference between a new house and one in the same area, in good condition but with a low energy class is made less extreme.
In the heart of the city, an energy-efficient house costs on average 550,000 eurosin this case the higher cost compared to a low efficiency house is equal to 250,000 euros, with a monthly mortgage payment of 1,054 euros.
Difference between high and low efficiency house in Naples
TO Naplesin the neighborhood Chiaia the cost of a highly energy efficient home is 680,000 euros and the higher cost compared to a low efficiency house is 190,000 euroswith a monthly mortgage payment of 801 euros.
Less central areas such as Poggioreale they see a less marked price difference, with 90,000 euro gap it's a monthly mortgage payment of 379 euros.