Home Bonus reduced to 30% from 2028 to 2033


Emma Potter

Deductions over ten years and stop on the transfer of residual installments

For 2024 expenses, the deduction for Superbonus, Sismabonus (including the Sismabonus for purchases) and Barrier Bonus, passes to ten years.

L'lengthening of terms it applies only to those who benefit from it deduction in the declaration. Alongside this comes the stop to the possibility of transferring the remaining installments of deductions. In practice it is no longer possible to deduct the first installment and then transfer the others as has been envisaged so far, so once the deduction has been started this can only be used in ten installments without the possibility of recovering in advance those subsequent to the first.

This measure applies starting from its entry into force of the law converting the decree, therefore This also applies to expenses from past years.

House bonus reduced to 30% from 2028 to 2033

To cover the costs of extending the deadlines for deductions, the amendment then provides for the temporary reduction of the deduction for building renovations. The House Bonus, currently at 50%, will return toordinary rate of 36% from 1 January 2025 on a maximum expenditure of 48,000 eurosa rate which will then be temporary reduced to 30% for expenses incurred from 1 January 2028 to 31 December 2033.

However, it will not be retouched the deduction forpurchase of homes located within completely renovated buildings from companies for which the rate will therefore remain at 36% even in the five years indicated, always on a maximum expenditure of 48,000 euros.

No consequences for the compensation of suppliers and transferees

The news regarding the extension of the deadlines for the deduction however, they will not have any impact on suppliers who have applied a discount on the invoice and the other subjects who have accepted the transfer of credit.

In fact, all interested parties will also be able to continue to offset the 2024 expenses in four or five years depending on the duration of the Bonus, as expressly indicated by the amendment, which provides for this specific exemption compared to the ordinary regime according to which the compensation must take place in the same terms of duration of the deduction provided for the taxpayer.

Spread over six years for credits purchased at an excessive discount

The amendment then contains a crackdown on banks, financial intermediaries and insurance companies who purchased the tax credits at an excessively low price, i.e. less than two thirds of the value of the deduction.

If the consideration paid was in fact less than 75% the obligation to divide over six years the quotas usable from 2025 relating to the tax credits whose communications have been sent to the Revenue Agency starting from 1 May 2022 is envisaged. Furthermore, the amendment specifies that the credit installments tax deriving from the new split they cannot be sold or further distributed.

The extension of terms does not apply in case of purchase at a price equal to or greater than 75% of the amount of the deductions, certified with self-certification or specific communication. The false statements I am punishable by law and involve the recovery of tax credits with the application of interest and penalties.

From 2025, no more compensation with contributions for banks and financial companies

Also for banks, financial intermediaries and insurance companies comes the prohibition on offsetting tax credits from tax bonuses with social security contributions due from holders of an insurance position in one of the managements administered by social security institutions, including membership fees, social security and welfare contributions relating to employees, premiums for insurance against accidents at work and illnesses professional.

The ban is in effect from 2025. Nothing changes, however, for other companies and professionals who will be able to continue to offset their contribution payments with construction bonus credits.

Incentives to Municipalities for checks on properties redeveloped with concessions

The amendment finally confirms the greater involvement of Municipalities in matters of controls on redeveloped buildings.

Municipalities that report to the Financial Police and the Revenue Agency the total or partial non-existence of energy and anti-seismic requalification interventions falling within the Superbonus or other ordinary bonuses (home bonus and ecobonus) will in fact have an economic recognition equal to 50% of the major sums definitively collected relating to state taxes and related sanctions.