Milan Arch Week starts on May 20th: the complete program


Emma Potter

Milan Arch Week 2024: themes

In continuity with the reflections started in the last edition – dedicated to the theme of the suburbs and widely spread across the territory – Milan Arch Week 2024, will develop around theidea of ​​weak architectureof an architecture that places itself in listening to the needs and expectations of citizenschand dialogues with the territory and its inhabitants.

Although the Politecnico di Milano and the Milan Triennial have been confirmed as the main offices of Milan Arch Week – hosting working tables, talks, lectures and workshops – this year too the event will have a more widespread territorial diffusionto give space to proposals from associations, designers, artists, active citizens, cooperatives, local organizations and student groups received following an open call.

I am over 80 appointments selected through the callwhich will take place in 46 widespread locations in the city: schools, theatres, associations, libraries, neighborhood gardens, churches, municipalities in the metropolitan area. A network of places that reaches from the center to the outermost neighborhoods. The final objective is to tell the polycentric, complex and vital nature of Milan, and investigate far and wide the reasons why architecture can be the seed of change.

Milan Arch Week 2024: guests

They were invited to reflect on these issues international architects and designers, emerging studios and professionals, urban planners and landscape architects.

Among the guests of this edition: Lina Ghotmeh (20 May, Polytechnic of Milan, 5.30 pm), architect of Lebanese origin based in Paris, promoter of a vision of architecture as a gentle force that reflects the city in its history; Christian Kerez (21 May, Polytechnic of Milan, 6.00 pm), architect and professor at the ETH in Zurich whose transversal work promotes continuous research on space and its construction; Boonserm Premthada (23 May, Triennale Milano, 6pm), founder of the Bangkok Project Studio, whose work reflects on the environment, combining sustainability with material culture and construction techniques; Peris+Toral Arquitectes (24 May, Triennale Milano, 6.00 pm), a studio from Barcelona which experiments with the typologies of contemporary social housing through numerous projects; Alessandro Petti/Sandi Hilal (25 May, Triennale Milano, 6.00 pm), founders of the DAAR collective, winners of the Golden Lion at the 2023 Architecture Biennale; I study Flores y Prats (25 May, Triennale Milano, 6.00 pm) based in Barcelona, ​​author of social housing and public space projects created through the active involvement of citizens; Francisco Alonso (26 May, Triennale Milano), professor at ETSAM in Madrid and UPSA in Salamanca.

The event will be inaugurated Monday 20 May, at 5.30pmto the Politecnico di Milano (Patio di Architettura, via Ampère 2) with the lecture by Lina Ghotmeh.

Milan Arch Week 2024: evenings at the Triennale

During the evenings of 23, 24, 25 and 26 May at the Triennale, after the lectures we talk about in the previous paragraph, they are scheduled screenings and talks in the Giancarlo De Carlo Gardenamong which Bamboo Dialoguesthe film Big Ears Listen with Feet by Beka & Lemoine, the film by Elettra Fiumi Radical Landscapesthe documentary by Francesca Molteni Green Over Grey on Emilio Ambasz.

A. is also planned tribute to Andrea Branzithrough the screening of a selection of films by and with the recently deceased architect.

Milan Arch Week 2024: As strong as you can

New to this edition is the format As strong as you can: a sequence of stories that he collects projects and research by young voices which highlight how contemporary practice is a plural horizon, where fragility and weakness they redefine the perspectives and boundaries of architecture.

On the days of Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th MayIn the Hall of Honor in the Triennale, there will be a succession of speed talks of around 30 minutes each, to compose a varied anthology of projects. Among the designers and studios that will participate: Gia Mussi, Tenet, StudioSer, La Revolution delle Seppie, Atelier Fanelsa, Elena Barthel, Zattere + Riccardo Orsini, Orizzontal (25 May), Oasi, Ecòl, Frantoio sociale, HPO, Zarcola, Linearama , Captcha, Abnormal (May 26).

Milan Arch Week 2024: complete program in pdf

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Milan Arch Week 2024: opening of the exhibition on Gae Aulenti

Furthermore, the exhibition opens during Milan Arch Week at the Triennale Gae Aulenti (1927-2012)one of the most complete and important retrospectives on the work and life of the architect who, in over sixty years of careerhas touched on numerous areas: from urban-scale drawing to exhibition design, from landscape architecture to interior design, from furniture design to graphics, up to theatrical scenography.

The exhibition – which will open on May 22, 2024 and it will remain open until January 12, 2025 – is created in collaboration with the Gae Aulenti Archive and curated by Giovanni Agosti with Nina Artioli, director of the Gae Aulenti Archive, and Nina Bassoli.