The New Decree Minimum Requirements 2024the draft of which was recently sent to the Regions, represents a significant one revision of Ministerial Decree 26 June 2015awaiting definitive adoption which will probably take place in the coming months.
The decree has the objective of implement the Legislative Decree 48/2020implementing the EPBD III Directive (844/2018/EU) and to clarify and simplify aspects of the previous decree, considered complex and difficult to apply.
The innovations that will be introduced with the revision of the regulatory provision concern the technologies of charging of electric vehiclesThe new reference building for calculating the APE (Energy Performance Certificate) and the casing checks.
Electric vehicle charging
One of the main innovations introduced concerns theobligation to prepare for charging electric vehicles in the new residential buildings.
For the non-residential buildings it is necessary to install a certain number of charging stations depending on the number of parking spaces, whether it is a new construction or a renovation.
These are requirements that apply exclusively to buildings with parking lots.
The new target building
The decree proposes a significant change in the reference building, which directly impacts the APE and the checks according to Law 10.
We introduce theobligation to consider thermal bridges also in the reference building, thus improving the accuracy of energy assessments.
Transmittance check
There transmittance verification has been made more rigorous, especially for buildings that suffer major second level renovations and in case of energy requalification of the envelope.
For second level renovation changes the transmittance limit and in the calculation of limit value everyone is taken into account thermal bridges present. The new limits are based on position of the thermal insulation (external, internal or intermediate).
New for the H't parameter
H't and the global average heat transfer coefficient of the casing. We remind you that with low values, in the case of large glass surfaces it results in difficult to verify.
With the New Minimum Requirements Decree we try to simplify the verification for extensively glazed envelopes eliminating verification of the parameter for second level renovations.
For major renovations of first level was proposed reformulation of the limit in relation to the percentage of transparent casing to the climate zone.