Territorial governance and planning tools
TO GOVERN THE TERRITORY, URBAN PLANNING EMPLOYES A LIVING, CONTINUOUSLY EVOLVING LANGUAGE, integrating knowledge of architecture, legal, economic, agronomic, social, historical, environmental, geographical and administrative sciences. When an urban planner expresses himself by saying that: “…the PSC, the POC and the PAC respond to point 5, enhancing concertation in implementing the principle of subsidiarity” and a colleague responds by referring to the “NA of the PDR of the PGT for ADR in the scope of the TUC”, employ a linguistic corpus which is broken down into acronyms, phrases and legal numbers and which leaves no room for discretionary interpretation. A three-dimensional terminology that shapes places and community life, triggering processes in the area that develop over time. To orient yourself in this lexical labyrinth, the volume addresses the conceptual, theoretical and applicative aspects of ordinary urban planning in light of the most recent legislative and procedural innovations and offers a reasoned collection of the technical, managerial, regulatory and instructive aspects of the practice of territorial governance , at the different scales of the floor. By transposing the vastness of the planning subject into a text for immediate consultation, with over 650 entries, 165 regulatory provisions and analytical indices that allow the elements of interest to be easily identified, the work represents a fundamental tool to accompany urban planners, designers, jurists , administrators, teachers and students in daily practice.Stella Agostini, architect and PhD in Agricultural Engineering, is associate professor of Technical and Urban Planning at the University of Milan, where teaches at the Faculty of Science and Technology. Consultant to numerous bodies, he works on methods and tools for the sustainable planning of territories at different scales, with specific attention to environmental agroecological aspects and the valorisation of rural heritage. With Maggioli he published: Environment Territory City. When resources become emergencies (2022), Peri-agricultural urban planning. Territorial regeneration practices (2018), Rural architecture in the landscape (2017), Designing in agricultural areas (2011), Guide to sustainable territorial planning. Agroecology tools and techniques (2010), Cultural heritage, agriculture and territory (2009) and Recovery and reuse of rural buildings (2008).