Inarcassa cancellation no longer immediate
The decision, taken by the National Committee of Delegates of It arches in July 2023 and formalized by decree in March 2024, radically changes the approach to managing suspensions from the Register.
Until the date of the decree, a suspension, even of short duration, could lead to unsubscription to It arches, with direct consequences on the professional's social security career. The new regulation establishes that for suspensions from the Register of maximum duration of one yearthe professional will maintain his registration with It archesthus protecting the continuity of the effects for the purposes of the social security career.
How article 7 of the Inarcassa statute changes
L'article 7 of the Statute of It arches now predicts that i professionals suspended from the register for a maximum period of one year will maintain their membership to It archesthese are guaranteed continued membership as long as they meet certain requirements requirements such as registration in the professional register, the absence of registration in compulsory social security forms linked to subordinate employment relationships and the possession of a VAT number.
Suspension from the Register for a period more than one yearon the contrary, will lead to the forfeiture of the continuity requirements for the exercise of the freelance profession and therefore the cancellation from registration It arches for the entire duration of the suspension measure.
More flexibility to guarantee professional and social security continuity
The adaptation of thearticle 7 of the Statute of It arches represents a step forward towards greater flexibility in maintaining professional and social security continuity.
This measure supports professional engineers and architects during periods of uncertaintysuch as those resulting from temporary suspensions.