Biomass among renewable energy sources
Wood and pellets technically they are among the sources of renewable energy and for this reason incentives are also provided at European level for the use of plants powered by woody biomass to serve production companies. There FER II directive coming into force in August, for example, offers non-repayable contributions of 40% for biomass plants in which the thermal energy produced is primarily self-consumed on site to serve company processes, or fed into an efficient district heating system.
For private individuals who choose wood or pellets for heating, however, there is the possibility of having i contributions from the Thermal Account which covers up to 65% of expensesor tax deductions.
Thermal account for those who renew systems
The thermal account managed by the GSE ensures immediate reimbursement of costs of up to 65% for new systems, boilers and stoves, installed to replace old biomass, coal, fuel oil or diesel heat generators.
To obtain the benefit, a useful thermal efficiency not less than 87% and certified emissions lower than indicated levels. Furthermore, when it comes to boilers, the installation of a thermal storage system is mandatory to guarantee an adequate load compensation function. The pellet used must be certified by an accredited certification body and in the case of boilers, only pellets belonging to the quality class for which the generator has been certified can be used, or belonging to classes of better quality than this.
Wood is also permitted as long as it is quality both in turn certified. Furthermore, at least one is required for all biomass plants that access the incentives mandatory biannual maintenance for the entire duration of the incentive, carried out by individuals who meet the required professional requirements, and the originals of the maintenance certificates must be kept for the entire duration of the incentive itself.
The procedures and additional bonuses
The incentive request goes presented directly on the GSE website after registering. Simplified procedure for those who choose one of the biomass generators included in the Catalog of domestic appliances present on the same pages of the GS.
In this case, in fact, i technical data are entered automatically from the Portal based on the device selected, it is not necessary to send the documentation issued by the manufacturer relating to the certification of conformity of the product as it is already in possession of the GSE. Certification of the completion of the works is not even required as it is replaced by the self-declaration included in the application form. To obtain the incentive, an invoice is required and payment must be made in a traceable manner. The contribution is paid within two months in a single solution when it is less than 5 thousand euros.
For those who benefit from the Thermal Account there is the possibility of obtaining, in addition to this, the regional contribution for the scrapping of old systems. This way it will be possible obtain a 100% refund of the expense incurred.
50% bonus also for new installations
For those who are thinking of a wood stove or even a fireplace to improve home comfort and reduce the use of gas, there is the possibility of obtaining the Ecobonus or the 50% Home Bonus. Both benefits are also permitted without replacing the heating system. Since the deduction percentage is the same, the Home Bonus is certainly worth it because it is possible avoid all the bureaucratic process of the application to ENEA.
For the Home Bonus, in fact, it is payment of the expense by bank transfer is sufficient dedicated which contains the references to this deduction. However, ad hoc characteristics of the systems are required which are in fact the same as those envisaged for the Ecobonus as it is necessary to be able to demonstrate that the system is among those energy saving and with reduced emissions.
For this reason the Useful thermal efficiency must be greater than 85% and emissions into the atmosphere not exceeding what is established, essentially these must be appliances with at least a four-star certification with regards to emissions. The installation of the stove, boiler or fireplace must be carried out by a qualified technicianrequired by law to issue a regular certificate of conformity (Ministerial Decree 37/2008). It is also necessary to obtain the technical certification from the stove manufacturer, which indicates its thermal capacities.