PNRR decree: financing for interventions speeded up The implementing decree simplifies the financing procedures of the PNRR, speeding up payments up to 90% of the cost and moving documentary checks to the final phase for greater efficiency.


Emma Potter

The Minister of Economy and Finance, Giancarlo Giorgetti, has signed an implementing decree aimed at simplifying the procedures for the disbursement of financial resources of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).

This measure is designed to speed up payments, reducing times and optimizing processes. But what are the main innovations introduced and how will they concretely translate into advantages for the implementing entities?

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The new role of central administrations

Central administrations take on a central role in ensuring the timely disbursement of financial resources. With the decree, it is established that the transfer of resources can reach 90% of the total cost of the intervention covered by the PNRR.

This will happen within a maximum term of 30 days from submission of the request of transfer by the implementing entity.

The objective is to guarantee immediate liquidity to the implementing entities to facilitate the implementation of the projects, eliminating bureaucratic obstacles that often slow down the start or progress of the interventions.

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Checks concentrated in the final phase

One of the most significant innovations is the movement of checks and controls on documentation justification at the final stage of the procedure, before disbursement of the balance. This measure makes it possible to accelerate transfers of resources in the initial and intermediate phases, avoiding the long waiting times that often characterize public projects.

This simplification is a significant step towards efficiency, encouraging the execution of works on schedule and reducing the risk of slowdowns.

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Continuous monitoring with the ReGiS system

Another fundamental aspect of the decree is the obligation for implementing entities to constantly update monitoring data through the ReGiS system. The administrations responsible for the measures must also provide monthly updates on the transfers made.

This continuous monitoring system allows us to guarantee transparency and control over the use of resources, ensuring optimal management of PNRR funds.

But what is the ReGiS system?

The system ReGiS is the single management platform developed by the State General Accounting Office for the monitoring, reporting and control of measures and projects financed by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). Through ReGiS, central and territorial administrations, together with implementing bodies, can fulfill regulatory obligations, ensuring transparency and efficiency in the use of funds. The platform is structured into three main sections:

  • Measures: Dedicated to recording information related to PNRR reforms and investments, including financial, procedural and physical data.
  • Milestones and Targets: allows monitoring of the set objectives, both in the planning and implementation phases.
  • Projects: allows implementing entities to enter details on individual projects, including execution phases and progress.

The updating of the data on ReGiS must take place on a monthly basis: the implementing entities are required to upload the information within the first 10 days of the month following the reference period, while the administrations in charge have a further 10 days to validate the data entered.

This process ensures constant and accurate monitoring of the progress of the PNRR, facilitating the verification of the achievement of the objectives and the adoption of any corrective measures.

Furthermore, ReGiS offers advanced capabilities for financial planning, management of activation procedures, expense reporting and execution of audits and controls, supporting centralized and integrated program governance.

Access to the platform is reserved for institutional actors involved in the PNRR, guaranteeing a secure and coordinated information flow between the various operational entities.