Preparation for the Southern Cohesion Competition 2200 places: exam traces from previous years and advice


Emma Potter

As we have seen, registrations have recently closed for the Southern Cohesion Competition 2024 for the recruitment of a total of 2200 permanent officials for the regions of Southern Italy (mostly for technicians).

The selection, as we know, involves a single written test. While waiting to know the date on which it will be held, let’s review how it will be structured, let’s discover the exam traces from a previous RIPAM competition and preparation tips.

Written test Southern Cohesion Competition: structure and topics

The single written test (differentiated by competition codes) consists of a test 40 multiple choice questions to solve in 60 minuteswith a maximum assignable score of 30 points, and will be structured as follows (for Code B.6):

  • 8 questions aimed at verifying the logical-deductive and critical-verbal reasoning skills;
  • 7 situational questionsrelating to organizational and management issues falling within the scope of studies on organizational behavior. The questions will describe concrete work situations, in relation to which we intend to evaluate the candidates’ ability to judge, asking them to decide, among predefined alternatives of possible courses of action, which they consider most appropriate.
  • 25 questions aimed at verifying knowledge relating to the specific subjects of the chosen profile (with the clarification that, for all profiles, 15 questions will focus on the cohesion policies).

Preparation for the Southern Cohesion Competition 2024, exam tracks 2021

A very useful tool for preparing for a competition is the study of previous exam tracks, because they allow you to understand the structure of the questions and the level of detail required in the study. Studying and practicing these tracks helps to identify recurring themes and focus attention on the most relevant aspects.

It is possible to consult the exam tracks of a previous RIPAM competition that was held in 2021 (Public competition for the fixed-term recruitment of 2,800 units of non-managerial staff in area III – f1 or equivalent categories in public administrations) >> you can find them HERE

Here is an example:

Preparation for the Southern Cohesion Competition 2024, where to study

These are all the books that Maggioli editore has published to help contestants, both technical and non-technical, in preparing for this 2200 place competition:

For a focus on the European Union regulations relating to the Structural Fundsa central topic common to all profiles, we recommend this instead online course (4 recorded lessons) held by Luigi Tramontano:

Also useful is the free webinar that professors Tramontano and Cotruvo will hold on November 18th at 3.30 pm:

Preparation for the Southern Cohesion Competition 2200 places: exam tracks from previous years and advice on the Southern Cohesion free webinar