The role of primary substations in Renewable Energy Communities


Emma Potter

Renewable Energy Communities (CER): Strategies, Standards and Applications

This manual analyzes Renewable Energy Communities (CER) from every aspect: regulatory, technological, planning, organisational, economic and management, with the aim of offering the reader, in a single text, an exhaustive overview of the topic. The work addresses the strategic and regulatory part, but also offers the reader more strictly technical considerations with references to the regulations to be observed for the creation of a Renewable Energy Community. Also present are the economic and financial aspects underlying the establishment of a CER and a broad review of case studies and best practices, which operationally translate the process for the creation of these entities. The authors also focused on analytically illustrating the various sources of renewable energy (photovoltaic, wind, biomass, etc.) and the specific technologies through which energy is produced for the benefit of a community. The work is aimed at all operators (private individuals, businesses, designers, legal and public administration operators) involved in the organization and implementation of a renewable energy community, from the smallest to the largest. Currently this publication is the only one in the national panorama capable of comprehensively illustrating the different and complex aspects of CER, thanks to the collaboration in its drafting of multiple professionals, coordinated by Fabiana Cambiaso of ANTEL (the national association that brings together the technicians of local authorities), who actively contributed to the definition of the aims and contents of the work. The text was edited by Fabiana Cambiaso with contributions from Marco Baudino, Matteo Caldera, Marco Ferraresi, Flavio Friburgo, Giuseppe Milano, Fabio Moretti, Domenico Passarella, Diego Pellegrino, Attilio Piattelli, Armando Pugno, Alfonso Scarano, Edoardo Zanchini, Carlo Zuccaro.