The technical administrative staff in universities – which comprises technical, administrative, IT And librarians – deals with the various support activities for teaching and research: these are essentially figures who, in the various locations and structures of Italian universities, operate in IT, logistics, laboratory, administrative, accounting and library services.
To become part of the technical administrative staff in Italian universities it is necessary participate in competitions announced by various universities. Let's see who the figures are looking for, how much they earn, the requirements to participate in the competitions and how to prepare for the selections.
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The figure of the administrative technician in universities
The technical administrative staff is classified in four categories (B, C, D, EP), plus management.
Each category is characterized by different degrees of autonomy and responsibility, by specific economic treatment and by different possibilities for professional development.
The employment relationship can be permanent or fixed-term.
Requirements to join the technical administrative staff
To become part of the technical-administrative staff at the university you need to have a qualificationwhich is different depending on the category. In particular :
- Category B: qualification of compulsory school;
- Category C: secondary school diploma lasting five years;
- Categories D And EP: diploma of degree of the old system or a first level degree (three-year) or a specialist degree or a master's degree and any qualifications required by law;
- Senior executives: diploma of degree of the old system or a first level degree (three-year) or a specialist degree or a master's degree and/or a professional qualification, as well as the additional experience requirements required by the art. 19, paragraph VI, Legislative Decree 165/2001
The type of professionalism sought, the specific skills and knowledge required are then indicated within each specific competition notice.
Salary for technical administrative staff
The economic treatment provided for by the current national collective agreement (CCNL) and the supplementary collective labor agreement (CCIL) is applied to the technical-administrative staff of the Universities. Let's see them salary estimates category by categoryin regime full time hoursequal to 36 hours per week.
The ordinary working hours are in fact 36 hours per weekand can be spread over five days or six days for services to be provided on a continuous basis and which require continuous hours or services for every day of the week.
- Category B: the estimated gross annual salary is 24,172.74 euros;
- Category C: the estimated gross annual salary is 27,783.39 euros;
- Category D: the estimated gross annual salary is 32,630.00 euros;
- Category EP: the estimated gross annual salary is 41,477.27 euros.
Salary advancements are also usually expected, based on further selective procedures on a periodic basis.
- Management: the estimated gross annual salary is 80,170.73 euros for the first band, 86,770.73 euros for the second band, 100,090.73 euros for the III band
How to become part of the administrative technicians: competitions
To become part of the technical-administrative staff of the various Italian universities, it is necessary to do so participate in a public competition.
If you are already an employee of another Italian public administration it is also possible to participate in one external mobility or present joint exchange requests. However, if you fall within the protected categories identified by law 68/99, you can participate in public competitions exclusively reserved to people with disabilities or public competitions with one reserve seats.
University administrative technical competitions: how to prepare
The main topics on which it is necessary to prepare for the selection tests are:
- University autonomy
- University governance
- Organization and competences of the Ministry
- Framework and employment relationship
- Teaching
- Contracts
- Economic-financial and accounting management
- Research and innovation
- Teaching
- Right to study
- Secretarial services
- Transparency and prevention of corruption