Mapei PRO: the new tool for analyzing prices and specifications


Emma Potter

Specifications and price analysis in just a few clicks

To use Mapei Pro – Analysis of prices and specifications it is necessary to access the dedicated section.

After entering a few details (name of the project, address and type of construction), from a simple drop-down menu it will be possible research the processing and identify the products or the useful Mapei systems, to then download the relevant specifications and price analysis.

THE file I am available in various formats (DCF, XPWE, EXCEL, PDF) to facilitate use on PriMus or on other software for metric calculation and specifications. The price analyzes include the costs of materials, labor, freight and transport, for a daily work always by design easier and more accessible.

Currently the Mapei PRO – Price analysis and specification items tool contains the items relating to some of the Mapei product lines but will be implemented with new releases in order to have, in the coming months, the complete price analysis of all the products in the Mapei offer .

Mapei PRO: the new tool for price analysis and specification items mapei pro price analysis 3

With Mapei PRO, ideas become reality

Mapei PRO – Analysis of prices and specifications is available online on Mapei PRO, lo Mapei space that integrates consultancy, services and tools to facilitate the work of designers and professionals.

The platform brings together all the work tools that Mapei has developed over the years and continues to design: calculation software, tools, BIM, technical brochures but also all Mapei Academy training with the release of training credits.

Mapei PRO demonstrates how Mapei is a real partner for design, which helps turn ideas into reality. Thanks to its personalized consultancy services, Mapei offers its assistance at every stage of the process, from design to construction siteproviding complete and targeted support to meet the needs of designers in various fields.

For more information