Renewables, ASSISTAL: the new Consolidated Law is an obstacle to energy objectives


Emma Potter

ASSISTAL’s concerns

According to Eng. Roberto Rossi, the draft decree on administrative regimes for the production of renewable energy does not facilitate the development of RESbut rather introduces new obstacles. This goes against the objectives set at both community and national level, as outlined in the National Integrated Plan for Energy and Climate (PNIEC) and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). Instead of simplifying administrative procedures, the decree risks further burden the process for the development of renewable energy plants.

Currently, the legislation in force allows for the modernization and enhancement of systems already installed without requiring further authorizations, given that such equipment has already obtained all the necessary approvals. However, the new draft of the decree provides that even for these interventions a new authorization will be required. This is not only introduces additional costs And lengthens bureaucratic timesbut risks to compromise achieving European renewable energy targets.

Implications for the energy sector

The introduction of a new authorization for the modernization and enhancement of existing plants involves an increase in costs and bureaucratic times. This could to discourage investments in the renewable energy sector, making it more difficult for companies to meet the deadlines imposed by European regulations.

The decree, as it stands, could make it difficult to achieve the objectives set by the European Union for the production of renewable energy. Italy risks not respecting the commitments made, with consequent environmental and economic repercussions. The EU has established ambitious targets to reduce CO emissions2 and increase the share of energy produced from renewable sources and any slowdown could have significant consequences.

Draft to be reviewed

ASSISTAL asks the government to review the draft of the decree to prevent the new provisions from becoming a brake on the development of renewable energy. It is essential that the text be amended so as to truly simplify administrative proceduresin line with the objectives of the PNIEC and the PNRR. Only in this way will it be possible to promote sustainable growth in the energy sector and ensure that Italy can meet the commitments made at European level.

Finally, collaboration between government and industry is essential. Only through constructive dialogue will it be possible to develop effective legislation that truly supports the development of RES.

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