Renovation Bonus 2025: first home deduction at 50%, second home at 36%


Emma Potter

First home with 50% deduction also in 2025

Also for next year, therefore, for renovation work on the first home it will be possible to continue to take advantage of therate increased to 50% and of spending ceiling set at 96 thousand euros.

The extension, however, as mentioned, concerns exclusively the main residence. For houses other than the first, however, the provisions set out in the will apply decree 39/2024 so the deduction rate is will reduce to 36% and the expenditure allowed at 48 thousand euros. Further 30% reduction expected then starting from 2028.

Furniture Bonus for another year

Somewhat surprisingly, together with the extension of the higher rate, the furniture bonus also arrived. For one more year, therefore, it will be possible to take advantage of the 50% deduction for the purchase of furniture and large appliances for the renovated house. Without prejudice to the spending ceiling set, as this year, at 5 thousand eurosincluding any expenses already made in 2024 on the same property. The deduction is available exclusively to those who also benefit from the Home Bonus.

No indication on the Green Bonus

At the moment it seems like it is The Green Bonus is destined to disappearthe 36% deduction on a maximum expenditure of 5 thousand euros reserved for those who carry out extraordinary garden maintenance interventions or set up green areas for the first time. There was no mention of it during the press conference.

Maximum deduction related to income?

Beyond these initial indications, however, there are still many points that need to be clarified. Giorgetti and Leo, in fact, confirmed the government’s intention to want privilegeregarding deductions, i lower incomes and families with multiple fiscally dependent children. Deputy Minister Leo clarified that the government is still working on the overall revision of the deduction mechanism, along the lines of what is already foreseen today.

In fact, a maximum income ceiling beyond which some tax deductions are reduced to zero. They are expected two income thresholds of 120 thousand and 240 thousand euros. Basically, on the basis of this mechanism, the benefit is entirely available to holders of a total income of up to 120 thousand euros: beyond this limit it decreases based on the following calculation 100 x (240 thousand – total income) / 120 thousand, and is zeroed at achieving a total income of 240 thousand euros. The list of deductions that are reduced based on income is very long and ranges from education expenses to those for life insurance to expenses for real estate brokerage, to expenses for rental fees for away-from-home students.

It remains to be seen whether the mechanism will also apply to House Bonuses.

Review of annuities and ghost houses

Meanwhile, the government’s intention to “push” taxpayers who have benefited from the bonuses to retrain to update the cadastral incomebased on what has already been provided for the Superbonus with the Budget law for 2024. For this reason there are also strengthened controls with specific lists developed by the Revenue Agency, which will also send letters with the invitation to comply . Beyond the Superbonus, at the moment the obligation to review the cadastral income is triggered when the work carried out involves a increase in the market value of the property of at least 15%. As part of the measure, this threshold could be confirmed, but there could also be specific indications regarding the type of work carried out and for which the tax relief was used.

On the real estate front, then, the government has already put on paper that a new campaign will be launched shortly to make ghost houses emerge and recover revenue also in favor of the municipalities which will be able to count on new revenues thanks to the application of the IMU on properties that have previously escaped taxation.

Ecobonus still in the mists

Finally it should be underlined that during the press conference the topic of the Ecobonus was not touched upon. It is therefore yet to be understood how this benefit, which expires at the end of the year for individual taxpayers, will actually be remodelled. Instead, stay the 65% rate confirmed for expenses from 1 to 31 January 2025 for Superbonus interventions carried out in the condominium context, against the 70% expected until the end of the year.