Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Bonus: Beneficiaries and Eligible Expenses


Emma Potter

A new call for tenders has been opened for the installation of electric charging stations for fast and ultrafast electric vehicles to be built in urban centers.

The Ministerial Decree no. 110 of 18 March 2024 replaces entirely The Decree of the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security no. 10 of 12 January 2023whose effectiveness remains for the procedures with a positive outcome in the selections already started in the first call.

We remind you that the incentives are non-repayable fund and fall within the Mission 2, Component 2, Investment 4.3of the PNRRThe goal is to achieve at least:

  • 13,755 fast charging stations for electric vehicles in urban areas from at least 90 kW (TYPE B or fast).

These incentives cannot be cumulated. with other public benefits (or incentives that can be classified as State aid) aimed at the construction of charging infrastructures such as those covered by the decree.

The resources available are overall equal to 353.159.625 euros and are distributed annually as follows:

  • year 2023: 254,208,175 euros;
  • year 2024: 98,951,450 euros;

The legislative provision indicates that the benefits are granted in the form of a capital contribution for a amount not exceeding 40% of eligible expenses, within the limits of the financial resources available for each year in relation to each area and within the maximum limits established by the exemption regulation.

Let’s see in detail who they are beneficiarii projects and the expenses eligible.

Electric vehicle charging infrastructure bonus: the beneficiaries

The beneficiaries of the concessions are the businesses or the RTI – temporary business groupings – which, on the date of submission of the application for admission to the benefit, demonstrate that they have managed charging infrastructures operating within the territory of the European Union, to an extent equal to at least 5% of the number of charging infrastructures for which they have applied.

The selection procedures take place in telematic form and the selection criteria are indicated in the Title II of the decree in question (articles 9 and 10).

Eligible projects and expenses

Projects eligible for the benefit are: started after the date of submission of the application of admission to the benefit. The start date means the date of assumption of the first obligation relating to the implementation of the projects.

The covered expenses from the incentive are those supported for:

  • the purchase and implementation of charging infrastructure at least 90 kW of power, including the costs for the installation of the columns, the electrical systems, the construction works strictly necessary for the installation of the infrastructure and the devices for monitoring them. For a maximum admissible specific cost of 50,000 euros per charging infrastructure;
  • connection to the electricity grid as identified in the connection estimate issued by the network operator, up to a maximum of 20% of the total eligible cost for the supply and implementation of the charging infrastructure;
  • design, construction management, safety and testing and the costs incurred in obtaining the relevant Permissionsup to a maximum of 10% of the total eligible cost for the supply and implementation of the charging infrastructure.

They do not fall within in the incentive:

  • the costs of local electricity production or storage units;
  • expenses relating to the acquisition of land and other real estate, as well as any costs of rent, leasing and easements;
  • consultancy costs of any kind;
  • expenses for taxes, duties and charges of any kind.

How to access the incentive

The Ministry of Environment and Energy Security has identified the following as managing body GSE – Gestore dei Servizi Energetici SpA – responsible for technical-operational support activities for the implementation of the Mission 2, Component 2, Investment 4.3 «Electric charging infrastructure»of the PNRR.

You can apply for access to the benefits through the GSE Customer Area. In the Documents section you can find the formats to fill out and attach to the request.

Photo:iStock.com/Marcus Lindstrom