Historical cadastral survey: what it is for, how to obtain it and how much it costs


Emma Potter

The historical cadastral survey is a document containing all the information regarding both the current state of the property and the various modifications and changes in ownership that have occurred over the years.

Furthermore, the historical cadastral survey can be requested to find out the history of a natural person as owner of land or buildings.

This document is issued by the Land Registry and is usually necessary both during the purchase and sale procedures of properties or land, and to define the complete amount of taxation relating to a specific property.

What is the historical cadastral survey and what is it for?

As mentioned, the historical cadastral survey is a useful document for obtaining all the information relating to real estate or land. It is possible to consult this document online reconstruct the history of a propertyanalyzing the various changes to the cadastral data that have occurred over time.

This document is issued by the Revenue Agency and the provincial Land Registry offices and it is also possible to submit the request through the Revenue Agency's electronic portal by providing some simple data.

The historical cadastral survey is therefore usually used to reconstruct the history of a specific property, or to determine taxes refer to a specific property.

However, it can also be useful in other situations, such as when completing banking procedures or to certify the rights of a third party on a property.

Difference between historical and ordinary cadastral survey

The ordinary cadastral survey allows you to obtain an overview of the situation of the property at the time of the last compilation of the data transmitted to the Land Registry.

On the contrary, the historical cadastral survey reconstructs all the cadastral changes that have occurred over time, whether it refers to a property, land or a building, as well as allowing for a complete picture of the owner's history of an individual. physicist.

What information does a historical cadastral survey contain?

Thanks to the cadastral survey it is possible to access a series of information relating to a specific property, in particular:

  • Location: refers to the Municipality to which the property in question belongs and the specific address of the property is also indicated;
  • Sheet: identifies the part of the territory of interest as reported by the cadastral maps;
  • Particle: it is identified by an identification number and indicates the portion of the sheet;
  • Subordinate: refers to the single real estate unit of the parcel;
  • Personal information of the physical or legal entities that own real rights on the property of interest;
  • Category: specifies the type of real estate unit;
  • Consistency: information on the size of the real estate unit;
  • Cadastral map: graphic representation of the terrain;
  • Land registry transfers: documents that identify changes regarding the holders of real rights on the property.

How to obtain a historical cadastral survey?

To obtain a historical cadastral survey it is possible to follow two paths:

  • the first involves physically going to the Revenue Agency offices in your area of ​​reference, thus obtaining a paper copy of the document;
  • the second, on the contrary, consists in proceeding electronically, connecting to the Revenue Agency portal and downloading the PDF of the historical cadastral survey.

In both cases it is necessary to have some essential information:

  • personal data of the applicant, in case of physical request, or possession of SPID, CIE or CNL in case of electronic request;
  • personal data of the owner, if you wish to request a historical cadastral survey of the properties of a specific person;
  • cadastral data of the property, if you wish to obtain a historical cadastral survey of a specific property.

In this way it is possible to trace the fiscal and structural information of a property relating to the last 20 years, as well as obtaining a complete picture of its current state.
If you do not own the property subject to the inspection, you may be required to pay taxes.

How much does it cost to request a historical cadastral survey?

The cost of the historical cadastral survey is particularly low, in fact, in the case of a historical cadastral survey by subject, a payment equal to 1.35 euros for every 10 properties belonging to the natural personwhile in the case of a historical cadastral survey for a property the cost of the deed is equal to 1.35 euros.

This amount may be subject to increases based on the type of payment chosen and therefore require the payment of commission costs.

Is it possible to request a free historical cadastral survey?

The Revenue Agency provides, on its online portal, the possibility of making a request for a completely free historical cadastral survey.

The Revenue Agency website, in fact, offers a free consultation service for those who own the property in question, whether it is a single share or the possession of real rights of enjoyment.

In these cases it is possible to take advantage of a historical cadastral survey completely free online, without having to pay any type of tax. Likewise, interested parties will be able to access floor plans and mortgage inspections free of charge.