1140 technical specialists Southern Cohesion Competition: locations, role, what to study


Emma Potter

As we have seen in this article, the notice of the expected was published last week Southern Cohesion Competition 2024 for the recruitment of a total of 2200 permanent officials for the regions of Southern Italy. As we said, most of these positions are for technicians: 1140 seats they are in fact for Technical Specialists – to be distributed in various Regions – with degrees relating to the areas of Architecture and Engineeringand others 94 – in two distinct profiles – also require degrees in the technical area.

You can apply until 11.59pm November 7, 2024exclusively online and upon payment of the competition fee. But let’s focus now on the 1140 places for Technical Specialists for Regions, Metropolitan Cities and Local Authorities (Code B.6) and let’s see how these positions are divided into the various Regions, what the role of technical specialist consists of, how recruitment works and what to study to face the single written test provided for in the announcement.

1140 technical specialists Southern Cohesion Competition: division of places

The 1140 units with the profile of technical specialist personnel for Regions, metropolitan cities and local authorities (Code B.6), will be distributed as follows:

  • 44 units in the administrations falling within the territorial scope of the Region Basilicata (Code B.6.BAS);
  • 146 units in the administrations falling within the territorial scope of the Region Calabria
    (Code B.6.CAL);
  • 290 units in the administrations falling within the territorial scope of the Region Campania
    (Code B.6.CAM);
  • 15 units in the administrations falling within the territorial scope of the Region Molise
    (Code B.6.MOL);
  • 225 units in the administrations falling within the territorial scope of the Region Puglia
    (Code B.6.PUG);
  • 74 units in the administrations falling within the territorial scope of the Region Sardinia
    (Code B.6.SAR);
  • 346 units in the administrations falling within the territorial scope of the Region Sicily
    (Code B.6.SIC).

1140 technical specialists Southern Cohesion Competition: role

But what does the Technical Specialist do for Regions, Metropolitan Cities and Local Authorities? As stated in the competition announcement, his duties are as follows:

  • contribute to implementing administrative capacity in terms of support and technical planning, execution of works and public interventions financed by European funds to relaunch the planning of works and infrastructures of territorial services;
  • design and implement interventions in various sectors, such as civil infrastructures and works relating to mobility, public buildings, urban regeneration, energy efficiency;
  • evaluate the compliance of projects financed by structural fund resources with regulatory and national provisions.

1140 technical specialists Southern Cohesion Competition: what to study for the written test

The single written test (differentiated by competition codes) consists of a test of 40 questions with multiple choice answers to be solved in 60 minutes, with a maximum score of 30 points, and will be structured as follows:

  • 8 questions aimed at verifying the logical-deductive and critical-verbal reasoning skills;
  • 7 situational questionsrelating to organizational and management issues falling within the scope of studies on organizational behavior. The questions will describe concrete work situations, in relation to which it is intended to evaluate the candidates’ ability to judge, asking them to decide, among predefined alternatives of possible courses of action, which they consider most appropriate.
  • 25 questions aimed at verifying knowledge relating to the following subjects (with the clarification that, for all profiles, 15 questions concern cohesion policies):
    • Community regulations on Structural Funds with particular reference to Regulation (EU) 2021/1057, Regulation (EU) 2021/1058, Regulation (EU) 2021/1060;
    • English language level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages;
    • Knowledge and use of information technology and information and communication technologies, as well as digital skills;
    • Regulations regarding hydrogeological, seismic risk, environmental assessment, public works and land management;
    • Regulations regarding protection of health and safety on construction sites and in the workplace;
    • Infrastructure design and maintenance roads and related technical standards;
    • Construction technique;
    • Urban planning of the territory;
    • Production systems public works;
    • Protection and enhancement of cultural heritage;
    • National and regional legislation on construction and urban planning;
    • Notions of appraisal, cadastre and topography;
    • Occupation and expropriation for public utility.

During the test, candidates cannot communicate with each other in any way and cannot bring writing paper, publications, regulatory collections, dictionaries, texts, notes of any nature and mobile phones or other mobile devices suitable for storage or transmission into the exam site. data or performing mathematical calculations.

1140 technical specialists in the Southern Cohesion Competition: how to prepare for the single written test

These are all the books that Maggioli editore has published to help contestants, both technical and non-technical, in preparing for this 2200 place competition:

Southern Cohesion Competition 2024: recruitment process

As stated in the announcement, at the end of the selection procedure the winners of the public competition will attend a training course on cohesion policies lasting no more than three months. One is recognized for participating in the training course scholarship of one thousand euros gross per month. Payment of the aforementioned scholarship is made, after hiring, by the awarding Administrations.

The candidates declared winners will then be hired on a permanent basisin the profiles referred to in the announcement, of the roles of non-managerial staffin the’officials areaof the Regions Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicilyof the metropolitan cities, of the provinces, of the unions of municipalities and of the municipalities belonging to the aforementioned Regions or of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, with the reservation of the destination administrations to check the possession and full correspondence of the requirements and qualifications declared in the application for participation, according to the regulations in force at the time of entry into service.